Monday 18 April 2022

Is This the Perfect Storm for Bessler’s Wheel?

It’s a curious situation we find ourselves in, we who believe that Johann Bessler did actually build a machine which ran continuously with no input of energy from the traditional sources.  It sometimes feels as if we are promoting some kind of New Age religion; we are it’s disciples and the rest of the world are non-believers!  It isn’t the same though because religion relies on faith without evidence, without reason or intellect.  We, however, have evidence which we accept despite the mountain of scepticism we have to defend against.  We seek to prove our evidence is legitimate, and so dispel the accusations of blind faith. Religion can never prove it’s legitimacy until we’ve passed on from this life, but I hope that one of us will provide the unassailable evidence that Bessler’s claims were genuine, preferably sooner rather than later.

We are facing what could be regarded as a perfect storm, to use a popular expression, on the contrary, this is probably the best possible time in history for Johann Bessler’s perpetual motion machine to make it’s second and final appearance.

It began with the concerns that the earth was running out of accessible crude oil and that we were burning it at an unsustainable rate.  Then the climatologist jumped onto the bandwagon, declaiming the greenhouse effect, global warming and pollution.  Then we had the plague, or covid. It’s beginning to sound a bit like the ten plagues of Egypt, caused by Pharaoh’s refusal to let the Israelites go free.  This plague caused a global recession, and then when we had just about had enough, Vladimir Putin, decided to make war on his neighbour, which rapidly involved the rest of the world, leading to more deaths, more mass-migration and more starvation…….and the price of gas has rocketed upwards, perhaps we need an alternative?

This might seem as if that mysterious ‘guiding hand’ I once mentioned here a while ago, is at work.  But is it overpopulation or pollution or some other endgame which we are being steered towards? When I was about 26 years of age, I had a serious car accident which could have killed me or maimed me, but from which I walked away with nothing but a brief period of unconsciousness.  Upon my return to normal life, I   experienced a feeling of intense exultation, optimism and the absolute certainty that I was destined to do something of great importance.  I have tried to rationalise this feeling, putting it down to my amazement at having survived without serious injury, let alone death. It was this event that got me researching the life of Bessler some ten years after my first encounter with him. This revelation has stayed with me throughout all my years; true, it hasn’t morphed into anything of substantial value yet,  although I’m always hopeful that Bessler’s wheel will indeed make its triumphant appearance one of these days.

It would seem as though Bessler’s invention came more than 300 years to soon.  We had to go through the steam age, then the crude oil age, the nuclear age, the solar/wind ages before the time was ripe for Bessler’s wheel - that guiding hand again?

I don’t actually believe in a guiding hand, it’s just the way things happen, the easy route is usually the one that wins.  We humans have an inherent ability to see patterns where none exist, draw conclusions on them, but mostly they are coincidences.  Is Bessler’s machine the easiest route available to solve so many problems now? I reckon so.

I’m adding a link to a very important video which was sent in a comment below by Yuri.  Please take a look.


The Real Johann Bessler Codes part one

I’ve decided to include in my blogs some of the evidence I have found and deciphered which contain  the real information Bessler intended us...