It's funny how we each believe from time to time that we have solved Bessler's wheel - or at least have taken a significant step along the path to success. Our path, to what seems like a valid conclusion at the time, is filled with moments of revelation interspersed subsequently with the inevitable realisation that we got it wrong. Often these 'discoveries' don't always appear to have been arrived at through a logical chain of reasoning, but are often regarded as instant revelations when the solution seems to jump out at us and we know that we have found the answer! The power of this personal conviction is of an intensity which is so powerful that the urge to share our good fortune is almost irresistible. Is this certainty a part of a psychological flaw in our make-up, or evidence of a talent for imaginative cognitive scientific research that finds ingenuity to be essential in human reasoning?
I have had a number of these so-called revelations which supply a surprising and previously unthought of piece of artistry in a particularly dramatic way. Many of these come in the middle of the night and lead to sleeplessness - until dawn sheds her harsh light of truth and reality and on the subject and what seemed like a momentous revelation turns out to be a momentary lapse of reason. Those that arrive while I'm at my workbench seem much more logical and worthy of exploration.
I completely understand why some people occasionally wax enthusiastic about the latest lightening bolt of inspiration that's hit them and make announcements which have no basis in fact - to everyone else it is nothing more than hearsay, a feature of the justice system which is not even generally admissable in court. I tend to empathise with those who make premature announcements - been there, done that - and abusing them for doing so does not help and neither does the growing trend on the besslerwheel forum for being disrespectful to others. It's commonly advised that you shouldn't write anything to or about anyone that you wouldn't have the guts to say to their face. But as well, the effect of the words may be softened in the presence of the recipent, by the body-language of the person uttering them. Unfortunately the body-language element is missing on the internet and therefore the words may appear more abrasive than they seemed to the author. Please think before you write, it may cause a slight. (definition of slight - a deliberate discourteous act usually as an expression of anger or disapproval)