Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Remote viewing. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Remote viewing. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday 9 January 2012

Remote Viewing, Psychometry and the 'sixth sense', as a way to get more information?

I have always tried to maintain an open mind to everything and yet I remain deeply sceptical of the possibility that one can retrieve information from a previous time by remote viewing (Rv). But there are certain aspects to an episode of Rv which was carried out on my behalf in 2008, which have left my wall of disbelief slightly dented. I can however provide a possible explanation for the particular report which does at least allow the retrieval of information by some as yet unknown mechanism, in real time - the notorious sixth sense?

Six remote viewers were set the task of attempting to 'see' what Bessler was doing on 6th June 1712. All they were required to do was try to retrieve something, anything, relating to Bessler, Gera, etc, but they were not actually given anything other than an eight-numbered file reference - no names, no dates,no places and no object information - no information at all. This was a highly professional set-up which it was hoped might offer some convincing evidence of its usefulness, so the strictest protocols were applied to the process.

The six reports which I read were disappointing to say the least. I saw nothing in them to grab hold of and I regretfully filed them and forgot about them. Recent discussions on the subject prompted me to read them again and I was astonished to discover one report which I had somehow overlooked. I was looking at this particular one and noticed for the first time that a simple drawing of a house looked a bit like one of my photos of Bessler's windmill. Adjacent to the drawing was a handwritten comment which said "somewhat ornate structure? Top is wrong!" My first thought was that Bessler never finished his windmill, but it was finished later as a simple building without the windmill superstructure. Perhaps the remote viewer had sensed the top was unfinished or altered. But the most extraordinary thing about the report was the prostrate figure lying on the ground at the foot of the house, with the words next to it, " trip - fall" and nearbye the word,"surprise!"

Could the R-viewer really have 'seen' Bessler's fall to his death?

Elsewhere there are several references to the letter "W" and words such as "w unbuckled" which could be interpreted as the letter 'w' split into two 'v's.  This, as many, who are aware of my work on the 'Orffyreus Code' know, is one of the most ubiquitous examples of his code.

The problem I have with this is that one cannot really go back in time, in my opinion, but one might be able to retrieve information from someone such as myself in real time. If the latter proposition is possible then we shall find nothing other than that which is in my head or someone else's. This is not to say that it is not an amazing feat and certainly it would prove useful for finding missing persons for instance, but it is doubtful that it will prove of any use to we who seek further information about Bessler.

There is one even remoter possibility that has been suggested to me in the past. Psychometry is the ability or art of divining information about people or events associated with an object solely by touching or being near to it. Wikipedia says that it is a form of extra-sensory perception characterized by the claimed ability to make relevant associations from an object of unknown history by making physical contact with that object. Supporters assert that an object may have an energy field that transfers knowledge regarding that object's history.

It was suggested that my copy of Das Tri might prove a suitable subject for this process, so I sought help in finding a recognised practitioner - I failed to find one who was prepared to do it for nothing other than one elderly gentlemean who unfortunately lived too far away for an appointment to be possible. I have since then passed my copy onto another more careful owner so I can no longer attempt to obtain information this way, but it still seems that if information can adhere to an object and that information be retrieved at a later date then all is not necessarily lost.

I have no opinion about the validity or otherwise of this subject but I can point to a fascinating study carried out in 2007 which appears to support the theory that objects can retain some kind of information which can be read by those with that particular ability. does seem to give a balanced report on a unique experiment which supports the possibility. Given the probability that the mechanism involved in remote viewing and psychometry are probably closely related, I would imagine that the right person might be able to 'read' the information available in my old copy of "Das Tri"- and my other books - without actally being in its presence!


Tuesday 2 August 2022

Remote Viewing as a way to get more information?

Recently the subject of Remote Viewing (RV) surfaced on the Besslerwheel forum and my experience of it in 2008.  I was approached by an organisation headed by Daz Smith who organised six sessions with experienced ‘viewers’. You can find him on google.  He’s still involved in RV and has written several books.

In 2012 Monday 9th January, I published a blog on my experience without any writings or pictures.  You can read about the experiment here.

The post on BW forum caused a few emails asking me for more details and I’m considering posting the official report including writings and drawings here as a blog so that others can judge for themselves wether it is of any value.  

If there is sufficient interest I’ll publish it.


Saturday 13 August 2022

The Solution Lies within the Existing Documents.

We should return to the task in hand and leave aside the dubious benefits of Remote Viewing, we need to trust only what we know.  We can only ‘know’ something we can acknowledge through observation, inquiry and or information.  Although we know that Bessler died when he fell from the roof of the windmill he was building, we only know about it from a written report from the time, but we don’t know how a remote viewer described it so accurately through some theoretical paranormal action beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding

I published photos of the remains of the windmill in 2010 but the RV report was published in 2008 so the r-viewer did not have my photos to use as comparison so that is a positive for him.  But the file about my search criteria included only the year 1712, but Bessler fell in 1745, so the r-viewer missed the date by 33 years, not so good.  But in the end, how come there was so much information about a separate event at a different time, but relating to Bessler, including what the windmill looked like, yet nothing from the 1712 wheel.

I published the Remote Viewing report with some misgivings but this recent re-evaluation exercise has confirmed to my mind that it can safely be dismissed as it contains nothing of value in determining the solution to Bessler’s wheel.

There are a number of documents relating to Bessler’s wheel which contain witness reports, official examination reports, letters to and from and about Johann Bessler.  These are accessible from the links in the side panel, both at the top and the bottom.  The links also connect with my other web sites which also contain additional information.

These details should be enough for us to find the solution to Bessler’s wheel and lead to a device for generating free, clean electricity.


Friday 5 August 2022

2008 Report on Remote Viewing Carried out on Bessler’s Wheel.

I promised to post a report issued to me in 2008, on a project designed to try to discover any information relating to Johann Bessler and his perpetual motion machine by means of Remote Viewing. 

Finally, I managed to embed the pdf within my blog! 

Any comments welcomed and although I’m sceptical about such matters, there are a couple of items in the report which caused me to question my scepticism. Obviously there is the question of trust that no information was accidentally leaked but in the end we have to judge what we can see and decide whether it helps us or not.


Monday 18 March 2013

Where are those scientists who do go out on a limb to present radical ideas, despite peer pressure.

I have often remarked on the difficulty we face in convincing scientists that Bessler's wheel was genuine.  So it's quite surprising to occasionally discover some highly educated scientist with an excellent reputation who has gone out on a limb to profess his or her personal conviction about some subject or other, which, with any other person, we might be tempted to dismiss as arrant nonsense. Despite their seemingly bizarre opinions they are able to publish books expounding their off-the-wall theories.  I, on the other hand, with no celebrity status found it impossible to convince any publishers that my book was worthy of publication, not because it lacked journalistic skills, but because the subject was 'unsuitable', 'unproven', 'of doubtful interest' , 'it's been covered numerous times before' or 'everyone knows it's impossible' - and finally and unarguably, 'you are an unknown author" - Catch-22!

On the other hand sometimes we see that otherwise knowledgeable people have made public statements about the impossibility of something which have turned out to be possible after all - one thinks of the Lord Kelvin who said in 1895, "heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible" and there are many, many more.  But what of those who publish equally forthright material which many of us might be tempted to dismiss as rubbish but which turn out to be correct?

My own publications have received a good share of scepticim - and I have yet to be vindicated.  But there are some scientists commonly referred to as 'mavericks', because they take a view about something that does not fit in with current theory.  Although I convinced professor Hal Puthoff, sometimes described as a maverick, that Bessler was genuine, he is not prepared to go public with his support until it can be shown how such a device can work within the current laws of physics.  I don't blame him - he suffered plenty of scorn and derision over his 'remote viewing' experiments back in the 1970's.

I suppose there must be other scientists out there, of a 'maverick tendency', who might become equally convinced of Bessler's legitimacy and succumb to the temptation to publicly support research into this field - but none so far.  This particular 'limb' is a stretch too far, even for those who are said to have completely open minds.  But, oddly enough, the general population - those who are not 'professional' scientists - are far more willing to engage in serious conversation about Bessler's wheel. - and don't forget, some of the most important discoveries have been made by amateur inventors.

I have given up hoping to persuade anyone with the 'proper credentials' to support us and go public; its all down to us guys.  Good luck.

“The inertia of the human mind and its resistance to innovation are most clearly demonstrated not, as one might expect, by the ignorant mass--which is easily swayed once its imagination is caught - but by professionals with a vested interest in tradition and in the monopoly of learning.  Innovation is a twofold threat to academic mediocrities: it endangers their oracular authority, and it evokes the deeper fear that their whole, laboriously constructed intellectual edifice might collapse.  The academic backwoodsmen have been the curse of genius from Aristarchus to Darwin and Freud; they stretch, a solid and hostile phalanx of pedantic mediocrities, across the centuries.” (Arthur Koestler, The Sleepwalkers [New York, 1959], p. 427.)  [my underlining]



Johann Bessler’s (aka Orffyreus’) Maschinen Tractate.l

The publication mentioned in the title of this post, Maschinen Tractate, was never published by Bessler but was found in his possessions aft...