Sunday 29 April 2012

6th June 2012 draws ever closer!

With 6th June fast approaching I've been reflecting on what might or might not happen.

If my own model works, then I guess the news will spread quickly and who knows how things will develop.  Whether it turns out to be of any use, I don't know and I doubt anyone can possibly know, until people have built models for themselves.  At least it will be a interesting curiosity if nothing else.

If my model fails then I am even less sure of the future.  I have always said that designs on paper will never convince anyone and only a working model will do that, so my fondly predicted solution, because it's on paper, will probably be nothing more than a damp squib.  However I think (hope?) that perhaps a few of those members of the Besslerwheel forum and those who read my blog, and others of a similar ilk, will read it and understand why I am so certain that I am right, even if I am unable to get the mechanism's proportions right.  One or more among them may achieve what I failed to do, using my own insights, I hope.

I put a time limit on my research as the 6th June this year, and now that that time is nigh a part of me is regretting tying myself down to a date, but I made a promise and I shall stick to it, just in case I am theoretically right and am merely holding up progress towards a working solution to Bessler's wheel by some other more perceptive engineer.

Due to personal circumstances entirely unconnected with Bessler I will not be writing anything for two or three weeks after the 6th June.  As I say, this has nothing to do with anything connected with Bessler so please wait for two or three weeks before assuming anything has befallen me, good or bad.



  1. Justsomeone said:

    John, replace the child on the swing who IS adding energy to the equation with a life size dummy. What happens without the added energy from the child? NOTHING. My opinion, you are certainly on the wrong track. Sorry.

  2. John, I know this must be a bittersweet time. I empathize, and wish you the best.

  3. I think John is thinking of a device where the weights , as they ascend are building a resonance or gate which is growing incrementally with a last ditch downward pull ( down from center at 6 o'clock ) so that the average path of the weight while it rises has a smaller "average" distance from the center . Am I right John ?

  4. Good luck JC. If you need help, we are here :)

  5. Well, John either has a design that maintains the CoM of its weights on the wheel's descending side during a full wheel rotation or he does not have such a design. With simulation that can be determined rather quickly. It should also be possible to determine whether there are ANY posssible modifications of his design that might transform it into a "runner".

    I certainly hope he has finally found THE design Bessler used, but, sadly, I have my doubts about that at this point in time due to the major discrepancies between the past designs he's offered and the "right track" design that I am currently working on which I am VERY convinced is, in fact, THE ONE. However, ANYBODY, including yours truly. can be WRONG and ANYBODY, including Bessler or JC, can be RIGHT. As with all things, time will tell. Whether John is the ultimate "right tracker" (other than Bessler, that is!) or just another of the thousands of disappointed "wrong trackers" out there in PMland, I will still continue to applaud his efforts to resolve the BESSLER mystery which resulted in the translations of his works and the various designs he worked on over the years. His dedication has served to "energize" the community of Bessler mobilists and that must be kept in mind whether or not his soon to be released LAST design is it or not.

    My major focus will be in the various clues he will be releasing and how he uses them to justify the design he is going to also unveil. I like to think that I already know every conceivable clue that can be squeezed out of the Bessler literature, but that may not be the case. I look forward to being pleasantly surprised and, hopefully, having the forthcoming revelations further support my "right track" design or even helping to accelerate its completion.

    A clever squirrel NEVER passes up an offer for free "tasty nuts" and a Bessler mobilist should NEVER pass up an offer for free "Bessler wheel clues"!

  6. John, if your model fails you hope other people try to understand and build your design. I can tell you that I'll do so unless I can come up with a own working wheel. Wish you all success!

  7. As Doug so eloquently said, "a bittersweet time" for JC. I completely agree and sympathize. I, too, applaud John's monumental contribution in research of anything Bessler, and that is something nobody -not even the illusive MIB- can take away.

    I also completely agree here with TC, when he states that "his [JC's] dedication has served to "energize" the community of Bessler mobilists and that must be kept in mind whether or not his soon to be released LAST design is it or not".

    My hat off to you, John, whether your design works or not. I, for one, have massive respect.

  8. I concur and even if John's latest attempt fails,he will have lost nothing because he still has all his books to his credit.
    If my wheel is a success it will be all due to John's tireless efforts to keep us informed and encouraged.

  9. All the best.

  10. Just checking.

  11. I've always believed that there IS a complete solution to the mystery of Bessler's wheels and that it is "hidden" in plain sight. The most likely place is those two DT portraits. He puts the clues right next to his face so everyone will know exactly who was the FIRST person to achieve a working OB PM gravity wheel.

    Unfortunately, those clues are VERY carefully encoded in mathematical and symbolic form and will mean NOTHING to someone who is not an ACTIVE mobilist who is building wheels CONTINUOUSLY. When one finally has IT, that is, the design Bessler used, ALL of the clues in the Bessler literature, verbal as well as visual, will suddenly make COMPLETE sense. The REdiscover will have NO doubt that he has finally found the correct design that Bessler did because the chance of his design working as well as fitting ALL the clues and then still NOT being THE one Bessler used would be absolutely ZERO...assuming that there really is only ONE way to do it which I am 100% convinced is the case.

    If John has a design that only agrees with SOME of the clues, then it can not be the one Bessler used and it can not work. If, however, it agrees with ALL of the clues, then it must be the one Bessler used and it MUST work! His admission that his design does not use springs is NOT a good sign.

    According to the Bessler clock, we are now just a little over a month away from seeing this matter finally resolved one way or another. I can feel the excitement growing!

  12. Be careful,..clues can lead you astray if you follow the wrong ones.
    The most relevant are his actual words and his poem.

  13. Just as a reminder that Bessler was not alone - There were at least two other wheels that claimed to have been capable of "perpetual motion".

    As far as I can work out, and although neither has been seen working, they haven't been disproved either.

    The first of these was known as the buzzsaw (1909)

    The other is ASA Jackson's' wheel (1860's)

    There may be yet be more…

  14. @ Trevor

    You wrote: "Be careful,..clues can lead you astray if you follow the wrong ones."

    I quite agree. Bessler was an expert at telling the truth, but NOT the whole truth! This comes through in his writings and illustrations. One must study them for YEARS while also building to be able to find the valid clues AND properly interpret them.

    @ Great Bear

    I've seen computer simulations of the "Buzzsaw Wheel" that indicate it is a non-runner. There is the possibility that when it was seen running, it may have had a motor attached to it and was only being run by the motor in an effort to determine if its cylinder weights were shifting properly. I'm not impressed by it.

    As far as Asa Jackson's wheel is concerned, I remain an "agnostic" on it. Yes, there is some supporting evidence that it ran, but we don't have anywhere near the amount of testimony that we have with Bessler's wheels. The nice thing, however, about the Jackson wheel is that we STILL have it, more or less intact, in a museum down in Kentucky. I would love to be able to personally examine it and try to see what its operating principle was supposed to be. It appears to use sliding sections to maintain the OB, but its structure is so complex that it is hard to make a precise determination.

    1. The Buzzsaw wheel as depicted on various sites IMHO is not complete. Although I agree with you that the documented evidence for it running is by no means anywhere close to what we have from Bessler, it's a intriguing and fairly smart design. In fact one could say it's missing two things: a (vertical) "connectedness" principle (for timing) and a (parametric) oscillation mechanism. Some witnesses describe the latter. Just out of curiosity I have been playing with the design (together with my additions); all electronically mind you, and it doesn't look discouraging at all. In fact if I do some things electromechanically I'm fairly sure it might just do the job. However, it won't run fast.

    2. @ Andre

      Few have noticed that there are METAL ratchet gears inside of the Jackson wheel and those, obviously, are meant to prevent the large outer wheel from back turning as the central mechanism resets itself. In other words, the central structure must serve to deliver driving torque to the large wheel in PULSES. This would be done via a steady and maintained ROCKING motion of the central structure with the torque being delivered to the large wheel through those friction pads near its 6:00 position which periodically engage inside of the large wheel's outer rim and then disengage so they can be repositioned again by the central structure.

      IF this is correct, then Jackson figured out a way for the central mechanism to continue to oscillate or rock, deliver power to an "outside" structure (the large wheel), and then to swing back to its starting position. The large wheel then turned the small attached pinion wheel which, via a pulley, would deliver pulsed power to outside mechanisms such as a butter churn. Ordinarily, I would say this was a PHYSICAL IMPOSSIBILITY. Yet, there ARE wear marks on one side of the large wheel's wooden outer teeth that indicate that this wheel DID run for LONG periods of time! Asa Jackson would NOT have had an electric motor available in the early 1860's to assist with the motion either.

      How was it done? Through some VERY tricky, "Bessler Level" manipulation of the CoM of the central structure, of course. Again, I think we'll eventually find that Jackson was able to use SPRING tension at critical times during the rocking motion of the central structure in order to enable it to reset itself to its starting position WITHOUT the input of additional energy / mass. In any event, he did not use the same approach that Bessler did. Bessler's drums alwasys received a steady, ripple-free torque to make them rotate.

    3. Interesting... thanks TG.

  15. You're quite welcome, Andre.

    I've been thinking some more about the Jackson wheel's central structure which served as the "prime mover" for its outer wheel (which was about 6 feet in diameter).

    Suppose that the central structure contained a beam which had two sliding counter weights attached to it that were located on each side of the axle and equidistant from it. Now imagine that Jackson, like Bessler, discovered the benefits of counter balancing weights with springs (there ARE springs in the Jackson wheel!). It might be possible to attach springs to each of the counter weights so that, REGARDLESS of the tilt angle of the horizontal beam within the central structure, the weights would remain STATIONARY. However, because of the counter balancing effect of the springs, these two weights could be EASILY made to SIMULTANEOUSLY slide so that their CoM could be positioned onto either side of the wheel's axle. Next, imagine what would happen when BOTH weights were slid a bit toward the descending side of the large wheel (in the photographs this is the right side of the wheel when viewed from its front side which is the side where the pinion portion of the smaller wheel is visible).

    The central mechanism would then tilt to the right, its traction pads would engage the inner portion of the wheel's outer rim, and the CoM of the two weights which was now right of the axle would then apply torque to the outer wheel rim to make it turn, perhaps, through 45 degrees of CW rotation. Once the central mechanism had tilted as far as it could, some smaller additional "control weight" it contained would apply force to the piece interconnecting the two larger counter weights and, because they were carefully counterbalanced by springs and easily moved, cause them to slide away from the descending side of the wheel and, in the process, relocate their CoM on the left side of the axle. As this was happening, the traction pads would retract and the entire central structure would tilt to the left or ascending side of the wheel. The large outer rim would be prevented from back rotating by any counter torque applied to it by a load it is moving by the metal ratchet wheels near the axle.

    Once the central mechanism has tilted all the way to the left, the control weight would then reverse the process and slide both weights back toward the right or descending side of the large outer rim as the traction pads again engaged the inner part of that outer rim. This simple cycle of operation would then be repeated over and over again with one complete rotation of the outer wheel requiring 8 complete 45 degree oscillations of the central structure.

    This mode of operation is certain crude compared to what Bessler made, but it would work and does utilize the principle of spring sustained counter balancing.

    Anybody interested in the Asa Jackson's Wheel should contact the museum that now owns it. They sell a book about it and a CD with something like 500 photographs taken of the wheel from every possible angle. No, it's not as good as being able to actually hold the parts and slide them around in your hands to observe what happens, but it's the next best thing. (Hmmm...maybe if some REALLY serious Jackson mobilist were to make a GENEROUS financial contribution to the museum, then they might be willing to remove the glass surrounding the wheel and let that lucky fellow play around with the mechanism for a few brief hours while, of course, video recording every motion of the central structure's parts that he could detect. A DVD of that video could be made available to the museum for sale along with their book and CD on Jackson.)

  16. Correction:

    In an earlier comment I wrote "The nice thing, however, about the Jackson wheel is that we STILL have it, more or less intact, in a museum down in Kentucky."

    Sorry, my mistake! The Jackson wheel is now in the Museum of Appalachia in Norris, Tennessee which is just outside of Knoxville. This is one of those rural life type museums filled with examples of farming equipment and various folk craft's. Apparently, it is quite a large complex of buildings and those who visit it say it's a really amazing and "must see" tourist stop. I wish I lived closer because I'd love to see the Jackson wheel up close. The wheel is apparently one of their most popular exhibits.


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...