Thursday 12 April 2012

My last wheel build?

I've been actively persuing the solution to Bessler's wheel for many years but I haven't felt it necessary to publish pictures of the many, many failed models I've made over a number of years.  

To be honest I would be ashamed to put them on public display given the professional-looking models I see other people post.  Mine are made out of pieces of MDF, used and reused over and over again until they are so full of holes I fear that they will fall apart; pieces of mild steel amd aluminium; stiff-nuts so used and reused that they are no longer capable of holding fast; some bolts cross-threaded so I have to clamp them in a pair of pliers and force the nuts round to get them past the crossed threads; weights of various materials, mostly pieces sawn from a mild steel bar, or bunches of steel or lead washers; levers of mild steel only a quarter of an inch wide or thicker pieces of aluminium and also so full of holes that they too are fast approaching their demise. 

The axle is a length of screwed thread with two nuts on it clamping the MDF sheet.  This rests in a couple of plastic fixings meant to hold copper plumbing pipes to the wall, which are screwed onto two upright wooden pillars which in turn are screwed to a base board - it works, don't knock it!

So, do I buy more new material and set to work again building and rebuilding new designs?  Or do I just share what I know and hope that someone else finds something useful in my work and goes on to achieve the success I looked for?

In a way this is an 'aha' moment a small revelation, because if I do share what I know, instead of having to continue to build I can just keep posting my ideas here and let someone else do the work!  No contest!  But I'll just finish this last model.



  1. I would suggest instead of building new designs that you build a wheel that you can ride in . You have to get into the wheel , like a hamster wheel , build one big enough that you can stand in . i used to have one like that , years and years and years ago .

    - Ealadha

  2. No need to apologize for the quality of your "builds", John. You did the best you could within the limits of your resources. That's all any of us can do. It would be nice if we each had a million dollar machine shop and an an unlimited supply of any materials we needed to assist us in our quest to duplicate Bessler's wheels. Sadly, that is rarely the case.

    You've given it an honest try over the years and, like EVERYONE else in the last 300 years, achieved no results. Rather than bemoaning this situation, why not rejoice in what your HAVE achieved which is, mainly, helping to get the word out about Bessler and his inventions and, most importantly, providing us with English translations of his works and also beginning a serious discussion of the various "clues" he left behind. That is more than enough for anyone to achieve in a single lifetime and feel PROUD about.

    Quitting your ongoing building of various designs could actually be far more beneficial than continuing with them! That would free you up to continue to promote the subject and to provide us with more clues about the interior construction of Bessler's wheels. I've amassed a huge number of clues, but I'm always looking for more. In particular, I now focus my efforts almost exclusively on those two often disregarded DT portraits. The items shown in them are not just random decorations, but, rather, were carefully selected and positioned. I soon realized that they provide a complete blueprint of the wheel's interior mechanics in a symbolically coded form. Those who can successfully decode these symbols will soon find themselves on the "right track" and well along it toward that shining destination we all seek: a WORKING OB PM gravity wheel!

  3. Once again I must state my opinion that THERE ARE NO CODES ! You guys stay so busy patting each other on the back and then wonder why you are content to not solve the wheel . Just make things up , sure , that will bring the wheel about . John I can't wait for whatever it is you are going to publish . I doubt that I will be impressed . It's funny that if I were promoting my own ideas instead of a hard won understanding of Bessler's ideas then I'd really be lost , and I admit it . To take the path that I now tread I have abandoned my ideas for something superior and that is to be a true follower of the true Father of Perpetual Motion . I don't mean to seem unappreciative of the things you have done for this cause/subject but just as your opinion of me is based on the fact that I have an overactive imagination my opinion of you is that you don't look hard enough at what DOES actually exist to see anything other than the obvious .

  4. That seemed a little harsh so I'll put it to you this way : I have some REAL information concerning the interior of Bessler's Wheel and if you had accepted my offer to receive it we'd be singing the same tune about now . You are praising secret codes and I am praising God that my search was not in vain .

  5. "if you had accepted my offer to receive it"

    Why not just post it up here for all to see...

    Or would that be too easy.

  6. Is Chris Wilson.....Cristo the one booted off Bessler The same one who has numerous times claimed to know the secret only to fail over and over again? Crying wolf over and over?

    1. I know this guy . He's a real loser . He doesn't work . He constantly goes around telling everyone about Bessler like he's in love with him or something. You guys should lighten up on him though , he has a few screws loose .

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. @ Chris Wilson

    IF you do, indeed, have some "REAL" information regarding the interior mechanisms of Bessler's wheels, then I'd certainly like to read about it. I find it hard to believe that JC would refuse your offer of it. Of course, I do not know what form your information is in and that might be his reason for declining the information. I'd like to hear more from JC concerning this.

    You stated "THERE ARE NO CODES !" in the Bessler literature and I'm sure JC would disagree strongly with this opinion. I would too because it is obvious to me from JC's analysis that Bessler was obsessed with numerology for reasons that we may never understand fully. However, while I have found little of value in these codes with regard to his wheels' inner mechanics, I have found that Bessler's most important visual and mathematical clues actually appear in the DT portraits and involve a bizarre form of geometric symbolism.

    This geometric symbolism is VERY difficult to interpret since a single symbol can be used in multiple ways. NONE of them would make any sense to a casual viewer UNLESS he was also a VERY dedicated builder. They were, IMO, meant to provide proof of priority in the event that a rival inventor emerged claiming to have found THE only working OB PM gravity wheel design possible during a time when Bessler was "between" destroyed wheels of his own and he would have been unable to show that he, too, had found the design. He could then point to the DT portrait clues and that manuscript's publication date in an effort to challenge the rival inventor's priority.

    And, of course, I think Bessler intended for these clues to serve as a guide for a future inventor to follow in replicating the design in the event that Bessler died before the design was revealed which sadly he did. Today, we have those clues, thanks to JC's dedication, and, hopefully, the Orffyrean Perpetual Motion shall soon reappear and exonerate Bessler of the accusations of fraud that still surround his discovery.

  9. John Collins , I apologize for muddying up your blog comment section with un-worshipful phrases . But you do have an audience , something I lack . As you have always said in a gentlemanly fashion I recant , " may the best man win . "
    @technoguy : Bessler's invention was not an OB wheel . There are no bizarre forms of mathematical symbolism . The information that I offered to share with John is in the form of my personal drawings and animations . He simply was not interested .

  10. Back in 2008 i was working in a garden when a headless man appeared , then a wheel appeared (from nowhere) .

    - Ealadha

    1. That was caused by the remote viewers , the day they were remote viewing the Bessler wheel it happened , after that i suffered headaches and nightmares .
      - Ealadha

    2. And that merry go round is real .
      If they had not remote viewed the Bessler Wheel , i would never have found it on the internet and never joined the bessler wheel forum .
      Its your own doing , you agreed to have the wheel remote viewed !

  11. I agree,..there are no codes that could map out what is going on in the wheel.The principle of the wheel is so simple its unbelievable.
    I know the minute I say to you,its been done,I have a turning wheel,then a lot more will discover it,because you will look harder at the problem,now that you know its definitely possible.

  12. It isn't that I wasn't interested and I'm sorry if I gave that impression. I was simply unwilling to look at another idea in case it was the same as mine. If I had proceeded to announce a working wheel based on my idea, you would never believe that I had got there without your help.

    If my final attempt doesn't work, I shall be open to all ideas and I'll be posting my own thoughts. Obviously I will keep anything others tell me in confidence.


    1. I know that you would not betray the heritage of this information. And let's all hope that I have done my homework on this one . I can wait for you to publish your design . I may have built something by then though . I am for now a " stick in the mud " as I don't know which direction I'm going in and my funds are very limited . This is not the same christo that saw dogs and cats in the AP wheel . I have gone very far beyond that . Thanks you for your reply .

  13. When I read comments like:

    "Bessler's invention was not an OB wheel. There are no bizarre forms of mathematical symbolism."


    "I agree,..there are no codes that could map out what is going on in the wheel."

    I can only respond that you fellows have not studied the DT portraits enough and begun actively building IN the direction THEY suggest. When the secret of Bessler's wheels is finally revealed and compared to the symbolism in those two portraits, there are going to be ALOT of stunned "wrong track" mobilists out there in PMland.

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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...