Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Where have all the new Bessler fans gone?

On reading this back it looks a little like a narcicistic journey back in time (my time) and I apologise for this impression. I was mulling over the fact that far fewer new people come to investigate Bessler than did  years ago, at least not in the numbers they used to, and I wondered why.  I think the reason is that certain forums which existed then, have gone and there is now a surfeit of them on every subject under the sun.

When I first tried to get people interested in my biography of Johann Bessler, back in 1997, one of the first people I contacted was Jerry Decker of  Jerry Decker has long been devoted to the quest for authentic free energy, gravity control and electronic health technologies for about 20 years.

KeelyNet began as a BBS (forum) in 1988 and moved to the Internet in 1994, having inspired many other websites along the way, as well as promoting the active sharing of useful and interesting information related to both orthodox and alternative science. His contribution was invaluable to me.  He requested a copy of my book, read it, loved it and went public with it in a way that I could never have dreamed of.  Mind you, it generated a lot of bad responses as well as good, from the establishment corner, but it toughened my attitude to negativity in a way that allows me to deal with the nay-sayers easily and ignore those who try to denigrate my contributions to the legend of Bessler's wheel.

The 'flame wars' started right at the beginning - see this:-

And here's his brief moment of optimism in 1997!

Unfortunately Jerry Decker's forum has gone, although he continues to comment on twitter at and report on things that grab his attention.

The Nexus magaxine became interested - - (Nexus New Times in the USA) and devoted a couple of issues to my book about Bessler.  Their aim was and is to present hard-to-get, ignored and suppressed information on the subjects of health, science, the unexplained, world events and history.  They too helped to spread the news about Johann Bessler.  See the item on page 53 of their 1998 Christmas issue below.

Then Infinite Energy Magazine came along in the shape of Editor-in-chief, Gene Mallove who I mentioned recently.  One of the world's foremost proponents of new energy was killed on May 14, 2004. Dr. Eugene Mallove was the founder and editor of the magazine Infinite Energy.

Issue 21 Review of Perpetual Motion: An Ancient Mystery Solved? (John Collins)
by Eugene Mallove, Mike Carrell, and Thomas Phipps.

Interview with John Collins by Susan Seddon

Bessler's Wheel - An Explanation? by Steve O'Donnell

Issue 23 Response by John Collins to IE #21 Reviews of his book Perpetual Motion: An Ancient Mystery Solved?

I also did about 5 Radio Interviews but they were broadcast within the UK, so resulted in little interest  outside of this country.  The Italian documentary has informed the Itallians but unfortunately the film is not so far available in English and until it is I doubt there will be much more than that.

Finally you can read reviews of my book by  Peter Lindemann, D.Sc., Brian O'Leary (former NASA astronaut), Eugene Mallove, former editor-in-chief of Infinite Energy Magazine and Hal Fox of New Energy News.

So I conclude that without the global news media such as Nexus Magazine, Infinite Energy Magazine and the Keelynet forum, there is little to be done to attract more new people to our cause.  Jerry Decker took part in the discussions on his forum which helped to direct attention to what ever took his fancy.  Not so with other forums and I guess we are just going to have to solve this ourselves!




  1. John, maybe it just seems that the crowd has thinned because only the more persistent and loyal hold-outs remain - with the period of initial attraction having run a natural, expect-able course.

    Also, I think many have the inner feeling that it is winding-down because the Mystery's end draws nigh. In strange ways, signs do seem to be appearing here and there indicating such.

    Once that appearance has occurred there will be swelling myriads of Bessler/John Collins groupies, all wanting a signature and a retelling of the legend. Ovyyus will sell scads of small and big repros, and I'm not at all sure what Scott would do.

    I just hope that the Establishment does not freak-out big-time, if they decide they cannot explain the anomalous phenomenon.


  2. I think you're right James, but I wonder where the likes of Fletch, Bill, Ralph etc are? Surely there are others of a similar ilk who might be drawn to the mystery.


  3. James is right John. Probably also because the solution is a long time comming the've all given up hope that it will ever be solved.
    Come think of it,from 1994 until now is 16 years, so lot of those middle aged people may have grown to old and senile to care!

  4. John,

    I got interested in PM many years ago while searching for alternatives to store bought solar panels. One thing led to another and eventually I wound up at BW and then here. I think that those people who are truly interested in energy alternatives will find their way. Advertising can help, but if its not in your heart and soul to begin with, you won't stick with it.


    1. I remember as a young teen, I modified our cloths dryer vent pipe so that heat radiating from the pipe could be blown into my parents room upstairs. In my early college days I worked with generators and alternators to see if I could produce free energy. Also in my teens and twenties, I built and played around with passive solar panels (blowing radiant heat from them into the house. All this over 40 years ago, and I don't remember any advertisements pushing me. I think it has to be a deeply rooted interest (in your blood so to speak).


    2. Good point zoelra, no advertising necessary - to mangle a famous quote, keep the legend of Bessler's wheel alive and they will come!


    3. I have my 10 year old son now involved in the search and I spread the word where I find open ears. You plant the seed and you move on. zoelra

  5. Like you said above, John, keep the legend alive, and they will come. And certainly -to mangle that famous quote some more- build it, and they will come in droves! Once a gravity wheel -Besslers or not- will again see the light of day you'll be swamped with devotees.

    James is right, I think - surely there is interest, but for now only those completely dedicated to the mystery hold out. But once the elusive solution has been found, all hell will break loose. Not to mention from academia... again, just as in Besslers time. Complete with accusations of all sorts.

    And don't forget that most likely there are myriads of lurkers!

  6. Interest in Bessler continues to die out because his secret has not been rediscoverd yet. If it is rediscoverd then it must actually be what Bessler used and be accepted as such by the majority of the pm and science communities. Just any pm device will not do. If anybody can find that desing, it will be tg. I do not doubt that. Its obvious now he's not coming back here so I am now trying to reach him. Not an easy chore because he never registered here and left no contact info. But I do have one slim lead to follow based on something he mentioned in one of his comments. If I reach him then maybe I can find out how his research is going and if he is agreeable report back here on it. I want to know alot more about that 'vast sea' of clues he found in the portraits. I'm not a builder (more of a student of the history of the pm subject) but if those clues exist as he repeatedly claimed then serious Bessler researchers need to know about them.


    1. Mike, TG was pretty tight lipped on the clues, so good luck getting any extensive information. Also, don't be so sure that TG will rediscover a design used by Bessler. Bessler himself said his wheels worked on different principles. If the Bessler principles are similar, TG may actually stumble on an entirely new (albeit slightly different) design. There is just no way to say definitively that TG will rediscover the Bessler wheel. Now maybe if JC is able to find and decipher some hidden code within Bessler's writings that describe the wheel, then you can make a comparison between the TG and Bessler wheel, but until then, it's just a calculated guess.

      Regarding your search for TG, if you are member of BW, and TG (KenB) still has his email information in his profile, you may be able to send him a private message or an email. I have a feeling TG is still frequenting this blog, so he would know you are looking for him.




    4. I also had my doubts about tg's theory that the solution to the wheels was in the portraits. Those doubts ended fast when I read his analysis of the protractor symbol in the second portrait. Its probably the best analysis I've ever seen and I want to see more. There are dozens of other symbols in those portraits and each one must have meaning that describes some of the mechnanics of the wheels. Thanks for the info anon 1:07 but I do not buy the tg = ken b. theory. Ken B. never used the portrait clues in any of his research. Still he might be able to provide some info on contacting tg. Its worth a try.


    5. Mike,

      Ken absolutely is into the two portraits, simulation and springs, and he thinks the answer is buried in the portraits "using a very complex and difficult to decipher mathematical & symbolic coding system".


  7. John, I believe that there is interest in the idea of Bessler and his invention. The theoretical idea that there is a possibility that he actually made his wheel work is enough for me. If we can set up to post some video or photo detail of our failed attempts. The basic idea of how to make a wheel turn on its own is simple. The weight of a single washer is all it takes to make a wheel turn. its cannot some complicated mechanism that absorbs more energy that is available. Motion Rotary Motion is a great draw for continuous motion like no other action. Give them a reason to keep reading. Facts not trivia

  8. John, you mentioned "Infinite Energy" magazine. (For those who don't subscribe to it): in their latest issue, No 107, Jeane Manning has an article on the inaugural Global Breakthrough Energy Movement conference held on Nov 9-11, 2012. She describes it as "a step upscale — with professionalism..." etc. It is obviously an attempt to increase the profile, and give direction to new energy technologies, although for whose ultimate benefit remains to be seen (given the background of one or two participants).

    One reported item could possibly be relevant to the Bessler wheel:— Sterling Allen of the PES Network listed a mechanical device as his free energy technology first choice. It is "a force multiplier that has been overlooked because it is so simple." It was claimed that an advanced version of this invention could be a 1 megawatt unit costing about 100,000 UK pounds.

    Maybe this is just the Fernando Sixto Ramos Solano system, which I don't think looks very promising, but maybe it's something else.

    1. I recently attended an event where a german-russian group did a rebuild of the Ramos force multiplier and showed a film of it. They concluded that it had merit, but was too difficult to control - too much force going crazy in an uncontrolled fashion. One russian guy is working on some sort of a gravity wheel of his own (inspired by God, who speaks to him when he goes for walks in the forrest) and says that he keeps stumbling over 2 anomalies: 1) the wheel does stuff "it shouldn't" (according to the rules) and 2) the wheel does not do what it should (again according to the rules). I myself have encountered quite chaotic behaviour in simulations and have been looking into chaotic behaviour of driven and parametric oscillators - a lot of difficult academic stuff is around on the humble pendulum... I think all of this is quite promising, and hopefully an indication that the mad scientist community is gradually gaining ground. Would be cool to see a breakthrough this year...

    2. Mimi, that sounds like an interesting event.

      The more I think about it, the more I dread the idea that chaotic behaviour could be necessary for a Bessler wheel to work. That could make it very hard to re-discover.

      I have modelled a few chaotic systems, without finding any energy gain. But those were just a few random ideas.

      Anyway, in general, I agree that things seem to be moving ahead on the free energy front.

  9. Mimi,just so as you know,..I have progressed from the chaotic pendulum mechanism to a co-ordinated one that can be controlled.

    1. Trevor, that's great news. Hope to hear more of that...! I myself have some ideas on the subject but have so far been a bit clumsy on the building side. I found that I had to massively reduce friction and work with ball-bearings. I hope to get a new prototype built with ball-bearings in the next few weeks. I can only get anything done on the weekends, so progress is slow.

  10. Shades of TG, with those uppercases.


  11. Shades of Chris, deleting posts. Justsomeone

  12. John ,
    More signs that my theory is correct . I finally understand this little bit of text .

    " Zu dem, ob auch nicht überall,
    Die Uberwucht wird sein egal,
    So daß man an viel Orte zählt
    Auch manch Unze, die da fehlt.
    Wird es Werk doch halten seinen Lauf,
    Und achten nicht ein Haar darauf. "


  13. Is this the theory you said in the past that you would bet your life on or is this your latest one?

    1. It's the latest " revelation " if you must know . ;)

  14. John,
    I am currently a student at the University of the West Indies, and the working title of the thesis paper I am writing for my B.S.c is, The Irrational Quest For Perpetual Motion.
    As you rightly stated in your reply to my very first 'joined up' e-mail,
    "A model is the only way to prove your theories"
    Well, my model was all of the postings to your website.
    Thank you, and all of the others who post their comments for the vast wealth of material. Hopefully it will help me earn my degree in psychology.
    A very close friend, who is working for his degree in engineering, helped me to build a finely detailed model of the wheel I described in my now deleted post.
    Needless to say, it did not work!
    But, fortunately it will serve to demonstrate the futility of persuing perpetual motion.
    Techno Guy, I know even if you're not posting, you are still reading, the subject is an obsession with you. I like your sense of humour, mine's very similar, keep posting under Anonymous, the site still needs you.
    Publishing under a pseudonym means you cannot prove authorship of any of your ideas.
    Plus, it's more material for my paper.

    Simon St. claire, A.K.A. Stephen Burke (I thought the name Burke would tip you off!)

    P.S. the use of upper case is for emphasis, John, your terse reply to me is Q.E.D.


    1. I think you better , as of late , pick another subject .

  15. Sorry,
    that is of course B.Sc.

  16. Anybody learning anything new about Besslers wheels from all this 'banter'?

    Just thought I'd ask. I've sent emails to both ken B. and another person to see if I can track down tg. Now its time to play the waiting game.


  17. The only one waiting is you. And no, I haven't learned anything new from all of your banter.

    1. Well I'm certainly sitting on pins and needles. I just can't wait for TG to come back and save us. Please TG wherever you are, PLEASE COME BACK. WE NEED YOU. I NEED YOU. When you come back, I think we should get an apartment together.

  18. Everybody,the only clues that matter are MT137,138(139,140,141) the rim mentioned, and the crab mentioned, the X's and the -'s. All the rest is bamboozlement. The rim is fixed to the hub by spring spokes (MT137) this lets it move sideways, like a crab. The rim is moved by the tongs (MT138) Extend one of the tongs X's with a bar (-) and fix a weight to it.
    On one side of the wheel the weights hang down, pulling the tongs closed.
    When the wheel turns, the weights are vice-versa, and on the top, pushing the tongs open.
    The rim is overbalanced, not the wheel per se.
    Pentagons and pentagrams are common hidden devices used by the Freemasons, check out the conspiracy theories about them being used in the design of Washington D.C. and the U.S. dollar bills.

    Don't let Freemasons P.erpetuate the M.erchandise.

  19. The spring spokes are S shaped, and angled by the way, and may be narrow so that they can be crossed to make X shapes. Angled S's along side a hub, hmm, where have I seen that before?
    Angled S's and also similar looking angled f's, hmm, who's signature does that remind me of?

    Now that I got your attention with the Freemason comment, may be Psycho Simon isn't that mad after all.

    Psycho Simon A.K.A. Stephen Burke , St. Lucia.

    You see it's all to get your attention, this is important, maybe you'll read my postings.
    Don't ignore newcomers, make them welcome, give them a nice place to come to, they will stay,
    Don't post cynical remarks when they feel they are not being listened to , we wan contribute as well. If I'm wrong, tell me politely, reason your argument,you will represent yourself, and John in a much more favourable light, all you're doing is scaring us away.
    If someone comes on as an adversary, reasoning, and not abuse will make him think, "maybe they have a point after all." John, just a little smiley face as a reply will let newcomers feel they have been acknowledged. Small changes can lead to big increases in followers.
    BIG APOLOGIES TO EVERYONE, BUT YOU SEE MY POINT! (The capitals are for emphasis, I'm a newbie, I don't know otherwise.)

    Apologies again Stephen Burke.

    1. Your design appears to be suffering from a bad case of psychosis.

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  I wish all of you a happy new year!  This year, 2025, I believe we shall see the arrival of an actual working model of Johann Bessler’s pe...