Friday, 25 January 2013

Why Bessler smashed his wheel to pieces.

I was asked recently why Johann Bessler was reported as having smashed each of his wheels, before leaving a town.  Bessler  said, for example, at Gera, "Soon I was being plagued by crowds of Sunday visitors, some of whom were fairly rough and boisterous, and I couldn't even eat in peace. I made a firm resolve that as long as I was in control of matters, no wheel would ever turn an inch on Sunday. Certain enemies of mine got to hear of this, and began to congregate outside in ever-greater numbers, shouting and jeering. It got so bad that finally, in a rage, I smashed the machine into a thousand pieces, and vowed to seek peace and quiet elsewhere".

And then at his next chosen venue, "somehow it all went wrong, and finally having to leave Draschwitz, I smashed my wheel to pieces".

Finally, in a scientific publication, Neue Zeitungen von Gelehrten Sachen, which was published by the Mencke family in Leipzig, in the April issue of 1722, page 344 it said, "In Kassel, Mr Orffyreus, who is Commercial Councillor to His Highness the Landgrave, has destroyed his Perpetuum Mobile that, prior to this, stood at the Landgrave's Castle of Weissenstein. He did this after he had suffered a serious illness, and after he had received a house in Karlshafen."

But it wasn't just Bessler's words, one of the Zeitz Councillors, Johann Zollman, wrote in a letter to Leibniz, "even in his anger he should not have destroyed his machine but should rather have dismounted and dis-assembled it."

This is a fair point and  I have previopusly suggested  that it was simply easier and safer to transport the wheel in pieces rather than trying to move it whole, because robbers might be tempted to try to steal it.

But this does not explain the words "smashed into a thousand pieces" - I thought at first that this was due to Bessler's sense of drama, included to show how thoroughly angry and upset he was at his treament by the crowds.  However on subsequent consideration I realise why he destroyed each of his wheels before moving on.

Travel over land in the 17th century was restricted to stagecoach, for those wealthy enough to afford such luxury, or horseback with the same proviso - you had to be wealthy to own a horse.  The alternative was .. you walked.  Bessler was only provided with transport when he was retained by Karl, the Landgrave, to move him and his wife and their belongings to Kassel - we have a copy of the charges incurred.  That distance was 151 miles from Merseberg to Kassel, but the distances Bessler had travelled between towns prior to his employment at Kassel was considerably shorter, Gera to Draschwitz - 21 miles, Draschwitz to Merseberg 25 miles.

If Bessler had to walk from town to town he could not have brought much with him, certainly not the wheel, even disassembled it would have been too big.  So he was forced to destroy each wheel when he moved, so that no clue remained to hint at how it worked.  The last comment   Each move was probably no more than a day's walk, maybe two, given the non-existance of proper roads at that time.

Confirmation, in a way, is supplied by the news item above which explains that Bessler destroyed the Kassel wheel after being given a house in Karlshafen.  He was leaving and the wheel had to be detroyed.

You might think it unlikely that people would routinely walk many miles to get somewhere, but an extreme example of the time was Andrew Hay, who travelled six times to Italy to buy up original paintings to sell on in London auction houses, twice walking all the way there and back!  He also walked to France and back fourteen times and retired in 1740 an extremely wealthy man.




  1. Justsomeone said: Hi John. How did Bessler secure his wheels at night? Did he sleep next to them?

  2. Very clever John,
    I take it by destroyed you are refering to delete.
    Excellent, excellent veiled response to a psychology student.
    Plenty of material for my paper.

    Best regards, Simon St.Claire

    1. You say you are a psychology student. After reading this post, I have to consider that you might also be a patient.
      In your 'studies', concentrate heavily on the subject 'paranoid delusion'. That way, in the future, you will be able to 'self-medicate'.

  3. Bessler's smashing of his wheels shows the problems he had keeping his invention secret.

    I think we might face a somewhat different problem these days:— how to convince anyone that a genuine free energy invention really is genuine, and to get it properly developed. I say that because I know of at least two precedents in the field of "magnet motors", both from nearly twenty years ago.

    The first is the motor developed by Teruhiko Kawai of Japan Science Research Laboratory (= Nihon Riken). It was granted US Patent 5,436,518. A motor efficiency of 318% can be calculated from the self-consistent experimental data given in that patent.

    The Kawai motor was the subject of the "Dream Energy" program broadcast by the Fuji Television Network on 20 October 1993. There, the over-unity perfomance of the Kawai motor was endorsed by Professors of Engineering at Waseda and Meiji Universities, and engineers from Sumitomo Aerospace. (I have access to a videotape of that program. There is also an English-language transcript of it in the very first issue of "Infinite Energy" magazine).

    The second example is US Patent 5,304,882, issued to EPRI, a leading organization in electrical technology. Anyone who knows how to "read" a flux-linkage versus current graph for a switched-reluctance motor should take a good look at the figures of that patent, especially Figs 8A and 8B.

    It goes without saying that so far, neither of these inventions has yet been recognised or developed.

    1. Arktos, very interesting and accurate indeed. Nice to see this "stuff" interests you as well. I always wondered what happened to these patented inventions.

    2. Andre, Yes, currently all that happens is that yet another optimistically-titled outfit, like the "Global Breakthrough Energy Movement" I mentioned in the last blog comments, gets started up every so often, and goes nowhere. I used to think it would be better to get a few competent, open-minded Professors of Engineering to take a good, hard look at some of these inventions — but that's exactly what happened with the Kawai motor, and still no development!

      No doubt you know of the Kure Tekko motor (patents JP55053160, JP55114172, JP55144783 etc) and the Takahashi motor. I always thought Chris Tinsley's death occurred at the worst possible time re his investigations of the latter.

  4. John;
    Well, I think that's right. One alternative to smashing it - put a protective rim around it and steering wheels on each side. Then start it up, and drive it to the next town.

  5. Anonymous, check out psychology, then psychiatry.
    For the Bessler clue hunters that haven't figured it out yet, check the font on John's latest
    input, you will notice bold type on the "now that the wheel's destroyed" lines.
    He has not used upper case for emphasis, this being a reference to its use by me.
    What he's saying is, "Now that you've destroyed your wheel (removed my idea of the wheel's construction from my post) it's time to take a hike !
    I told John he once offered sage advice, this is even more.
    Now, where did I put my hiking boots ?

    Simon St.Claire

  6. My goodness, Simon, how the devil did you discover my true intentions - a truly remarkable feat of psychlogical analysis - not.


    1. Sounds like Simon is mental and needs some serious bench time.

  7. With my 12 ft wheel, I cannot imagine trying to move the thing without an extremely large crate and a custom trailer. I never gave much thought to why he smashed the wheels. I though we was just paranoid and crazy, but the closer I get to my completion the more I am finding myself in sympathy with his words. I am for now, resigned to building as many wheels as I can financially accomplish. Put a simple generator on them and sell electricity to the grid for a while. Nothing like establishing a good income stream and have a group of them in operation to be a convincing demonstration. The proof will be in the bank account balance I am a Perpetuum Mobilist

  8. It may have been a security issue as well as a load issue. Besides being more cumbersome or expensive to move the wheel to the next town there was the risk of being robbed and the contents stolen or at least being revealed. Being a simple invention it may not have taken much to figure out how it all goes togther. Especially by the likes of Wagner if a robbery was planned.
    Then there was the risk of an accident. Johann Bessler had been in a nasty stage coach accident before and perhaps envisage his wheel parts strewn all over the road from out of a wooden crate. It was all just too risky.

    @Dougymous Good idea! I think the Penny Farthing bicycle was around in those days. He could have used is as a back wheel. Although he might had decided against that as Charles Goodyear had not yet developed the process for vulcanising rubber. Without rubber cushioning the ride would have been too rough for the wheel (and JB) and it may well have fallen apart.


  9. John , you just need to add one spring in a certain way to those drawings i sent you last year and it will work .
    I will let you work out how to do that yourself .
    I will be back in about a year .

  10. So far only ken B. has answered my emails concerning tg. He says hes never heard of him and although he knows collins, he did not know he had a blog! Ken B. is not on the internet posting like he used to and is busy getting his next book ready for publishing. He regularly sends and receives emails with about a dozen people but they dont use fake names like 'technoguy' (tg). He said he would try to help me by sending out emails asking if any of his contacts was tg and include my email address for him to respond if any of them are him. More waiting for me. If I dont get an answer in a few days then it looks like that will be the end of my hunt for tg.

    Bessler walked from town to town? Yeah right. They probably had low cost public transportation back then like our stagecoaches. Alos he was not broke. If he could afford to rent houses then he could afford a ticket on a stagecoach for him and his family. He also could have disassembled a wheel and rented a cart to haul it to another town. He could have made it into several shipments so that if one was stolen it would tell the thief almost nothing. He broke his wheels for security and because it was probably easier to built an improved new one then to upgrade the old one. Destroying a wheel was also a great way to say f*ck you to those in the town he was leaving that had caused him problems. Id probably do the same thing!


    1. TG and Ken are one in the same. TG won't admit to this but there is no doubt. All you have to do is look at the similarity in writing style between Ken B on BW and TG here. They also both got banned for the same behavior.

    2. Go to for accurate information about British coaching, which was at least on a par with its continental companions. But to correct your misleading opinion, coaches were never low cost, they ran only in the summer, and they mostly proceeded at walking speed because the roads were either non- existent or so poorly maintained that often the passengers were obliged to get out and walk. 25 miles would not have been worth a coach ride even if he could have afforded it. And robbers, thieves and highway-men were a ubiquitous problem.


    3. Today I got three emails from ken B's contacts. None are tg or know how to contact him. Maybe I'll luck up in the coming week. I still dont buy that tg is ken B. There would be no reason for ken B. to pretend to be tg. Also the research of tg is much diffeerent then ken B's and seems far more detailed.


      So if we are to believe collins misleading opinion, we have to imagine Bessler and his wife and kids walking for days between gera and draschwitz and years later between draschwitz and merseberg? Even if the cost of a ticket was expensive Bessler and his family only had to make thesse treks once on moving day. Bessler was not a total poverty case as he is made out to be. He had money from selling his medical potions and from charging people to view his wheels. By todays standards he'd probably be considered about lower to middle middle class. Maybe he saved up some money for each move over the months and made them when the coaches were running and main roads pasable? The destrction of his wheels was mainly to make a statement (f*ck you to his enemies) and also to save the cost to carting them to a new location so the money could be used to improve the next wheel.


    4. Mike,

      Do you see you are the only person who gives a damn about TG leaving, so you can stop posting your little details about the search that no one wants to hear. Make like TG and go away.

  11. The reversible mechanism off a bi direction wheel is shown in the main drawings , you just have to add two storks gills and springs to it and there is three of them mechanisms on a bi directional bessler wheel .

    1. Has it been a year already.

  12. In thinking about this question John has put before us as to why, I believe I would have done the same, by removing all evidence of how the thing worked upon some relocating.

    Knowledge of the configuration that produces the PRIME MOVER (here upper cased because being a key title) absolutely is everything; all other wheel aspects being but good mechanicians' understanding coupled with matching workmanship.

    The one that discovers the P-M, will have his/her P-M!

    (The useful equation: P-M = P-M)

    "The world should see this principle, in itself so simple, and yet
    at the same time so deeply hidden, of everlasting motion." DT 209

    The declaration above of Bessler's, addressed directly "this principle", which he had to act to protect by it's periodic destruction, so that no one would ever see. (Elsewhere he styles it "excess weight".)

    Yes, this James would have done identically.


    Now . . .

    Anonymous (mike) on 26 January 2013 at 22:57 in-part informed us like this:

    ". . . If I dont get an answer in a few days then it looks like that will be the end of my hunt for tg."


    And, Anonymous of 27 January 2013 at 00:20 coming directly on the heels of mike's, added still more, thus making for tendering of additional good sense:

    "TG and Ken are one in the same. TG won't admit to this but there is no doubt. All you have to do is look at the similarity in writing style between Ken B on BW and TG here. They also both got banned for the same behavior."

    Also, "exactly".

    I can attest to the fact that Kenneth Behrendt sported for years and years the identical characteristics as did @TechnoKen here, for many months. (Might even I need to list them?)

    I predict that - unless all Anonymous posting comes to be uniformly disallowed - the upsetting terrorizing done because of the rotting unknown lurking within, will never end. (I see that spam and ads are now beginning to appear!)

    Now there comes upon us one self styled as a "Simon St. Claire", this new creature of the Anonymite Unknown spreading about it's off-topic and impertinent, nasty in-your-face stuff!

    When and by what means is this to end?

    ("Well, dear rhetoricizing James, when it is BROUGHT to it's end, stupid!")

    (I defer to superior intellect.)



    1. "one IN the same"...

      Let me guess - you're American.

  13. Double spacing is annoying James.

    1. if this troll single spaced his nonsense then it would be even more annoying! i predict that his next delusion will be that 'simon st. claire' is really 'tg' who is really 'ken B.' and that should then help chase 'simon' away just like his 'robert' is really 'tg' delusion (posted anonymously) already chased that researcher away from posting here a few blogs ago. maybe 'simon' should consider researching this troll's obsessive behavior?

    2. James can be a bit verbose, but you are an anonymous person posting inflammatory, extraneous, and off-topic messages in an online community. Who's the troll?

      John, is it possible Bessler just dismantled and left his wheels and that through translation it sounds like he was more ''mad" then he really was?

    3. James, annoying as he is, TG is definitely not Ken B. I can assure you of that. Ken may have been loquacious but he is a gentleman and we have corrseponded from time to time. However I am of the opinion that Mike is TG.


    4. The writing styles of KenB and TG are too similar to disregard. Additionally, they both have use similar naming phrases to describe their approach, and well as their need to over explain. I respectively have to disagree with you JC, KenB and TG are the same person.

    5. I also forgot to say they both live in the same town. What are the chances of that.

    6. Today I got three more emails from ken B. contacts and no one knows anything about tg. Its starting to look like when tg said his jan. 8th post was his last he really meant it. All very depressing and its starting to look like the post tg 'dark age' of this now dead blog is only going to get darker in the coming days. So from now on I'll only check in maybe once a week to see if he's returned yet. I'll continue up to the coming shut down in june (dont think it won't happn). Amazing how positve every one was on new years day when tg was still here and posting daily. Now that he's gone its just a place for trolls to freely crap and collins pm cronies to anonymously insult newcomers as they go for a cheap ego trip off of them (exactly as tg warned would happen before he left). Its really too bad that it came to this but as they say 'sh*t happens'. Imo, tg was the only bright spot here in years and I'm hoping he changes his mind about his own blog so we can again learn something accurate about bessler's wheels since that wont be happening here again.


    7. Mike,

      No need to continue to come back and write these types of messages. Leave your email address here and we will contact you as soon as TG returns.

  14. Why do you think the wheels were so big?

    1. Bessler said the power of his wheels were proportional to the diameter. His 12' wheel could only lift some 70lbs, not too good. However, the limitation could have more to do with the building materials of the time. A nice aluminum frame and todays bearings could perform under a much greater load.

    2. His wheels also got wider as they got taller. Bessler said his different wheels were based on different principles so the internal design likely changed as well. His last two wheels were bi-directional. Some have suggested that two one-directional wheels were placed back to back within each bi-directional wheel and this accounts for the added thickness.

    3. Just a thought maybe the wheels had to be so big to get the distance between the prime mover and the shiffter weights, The prime mover weights operating as close to the axle as possible were it as the least affect on the balance of the wheel and the shiffter weights as far from the axle as possible were it is more sensitive to the weights movement.

  15. Anon 0047, there is no doubt about Bessler's anger at his treatment, no variation in translation would convey any other message.

    Stu B, you will have to read the biography to see why each wheel was larger than the previous.


  16. It is true that in those days people walked a lot. The example of Andrew Hay is also very telling. I remember my father telling me that even before and during the war (WWII, that is) people walked amazing distances as well, often well of a hundred kilometers routinely.

    Considering the downright horrible roads in those days, I can very well image that transportation of large objects must have been a nightmare and extremely slow, cumbersome and expensive. Perhaps even so expensive that it was much cheaper to reconstruct a new wheel.

    Interesting post!

    1. In those days you probably had to walk thru many wooden areas and this would not be a good defensible position to be in. I would think many people would have tried to take the wheel if they could. Just think about all the stage coach hold-ups in the US.

  17. Perpetual Motion is on the way fellas .

    1. so is your next bowel movement.

  18. I think Bessler kept the smaller individual prime mover mechanisms intact, and destroyed the rest. After doing it one time, he must have had a plan for next time.


    1. I think you're right Axel, he must have kept one smaller version to show Karl


  19. John,.. please illiminate the anon option!
    We are so confused.

  20. I've added a google sign in requirement. Let's see if this is better or not.


  21. That's the only option now, so everyone has to have a google email account to comment.
    It might stop the boys that can't be bothered. I already had one.
    The wheels sound pretty thin. Smashing oak is tough.

  22. Good point Doug. I imagine he could lever off the boards covering the sides of the wheel and just pile them up. There wouldn't be anything to betray what went on inside the wheel. Removing the weights would be easy enough too. Destroying the mechanisms wouldn't be that hard if they were wooden, but some parts were metal and harder to break up, and there was the axle too - if the holes in it that might give away something about how they were used. I guess the spokes would have the job of holding the mechanisms in place, and the cross-bars, they wre the pieces most likely to have clues to how it all fitted together.

    Even if he didn't destroy each piece of wood, I doubt if anyone could figure out how to put it all together again. After his death a small wheel was found in pieces and no-one seems to have done anything woith it.


  23. Has the ground around and under the windmill been searched with penetrating radar?

  24. No-one has done anything around the windmill. I have visited it but was unable to obtain the key to enter it or even to look around the small garden that surrounds some of it. To me it seems possible that Bessler might have scribbled some writings or diagrams in some hidden place within the structure but nthenm perhaps not. He did intend to be paid for it and allow it to be operated by some other person so I guess there is unlikely to be anything of value found there.


  25. Too bad the treasure is lost.
    I've tried sooo hard...

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    Hear his story about the Challenge event that’s a Challenge and a half!.
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  I wish all of you a happy new year!  This year, 2025, I believe we shall see the arrival of an actual working model of Johann Bessler’s pe...