Thursday, 21 February 2013

Bessler's wheel update - alone at last!

My temporary lodgers, my daughter, son-in-law and two grandchildren, have finally left to take up residence in their new home and we are slowly bringing our lives back to normal.  They were with us for four months in our home and we are still talking to each other, which is pretty amazing!  I love them to bits but they are so big and so loud! My workshop is now bereft of its two powerful motorbikes, four pedal cycles, two standing toolboxes, metal shelving, a cabinet full of leather motorcycling gear, helmets, gloves, boots which look like something from the the starwars movies propshop, and numerous appurtinances connected with motorcyling.  So now all I have to do is tidy up, rearrange the part of my workshop which was my wheel-building area and get back to work on my own personal wheel project. But first we must finish wallpapering some of the rooms in their new house!  Actually it's all but finished, so I could be in wheel action again next week, fingers crossed.

My wheel is still based on the principle I outlined on my web site at  The design is aided by the clues I've found in Bessler's drawings.  There are confirmatory clues to support my conclusions but I'm experienced enough in this field of endeavour to know that I may be convincing myself and misreading those, oh-so-subtle clues - but I think not.

Although I can't resume work on the project until I can tidy up and make some room, I have a clear idea of the way ahead and I know exactly what is to be done next. It's so frustrating! I can see the work I've done so far, but there is a cross-trainer in the way and some cabinets and shelves which have to be moved back to their former positions, and until that is accomplished I can only stare at my wheel from a distance.

This hiatus has been useful.  Sometimes I think we get too close to the subject and we can't see the wood for the trees.  We need to see the thing as a whole, to understand the detail; we need to stand back; take a holiday.  So now I think I see things from a better perspective and I see where I maybe went off on a diversion that ended in a cul-de-sac.  Too many metaphors?  Yes I guess so, but you get my meaning.

Anyway back to things-Bessler with my next post.




  1. I took a holiday away from this for a couple of months , i am getting back into building again now .
    I have built a lot of things over the past few years and nothing worked .
    I ever built the thing to save lives at sea and it did not work !
    Maybe it was just my imagination .

  2. This is why you should have used simulation software... it isn't affected by clutter in your house...

  3. John,
    just seen on the news about black energy,and how the galaxies are expanding faster than the
    experts thought.They will have to re-write the Laws of Physics.
    Who would've thunk it ?

    Stephen Burke

  4. Good luck with the buildingprocess.

    By the way, did you recieve my proposal/initiative per e-mail ?
    (Just want to be shure the message was recieved)

  5. So how much did you get for the two motorcycles? ;) was your daughter upset you sold them?

  6. My son-in-law would kill me if I so much as touched his bikes! But my daughter probably wouldn't have been too sorry to seee them go. :)


  7. Yes thanks, Øystein, I'll be responding soon.


  8. John ,
    I am very close . Within days .

    1. "CLICK", goes the broken record.....

    2. You may be right . But then again ... aren't you always right ? What's your take on the mechanics of Bessler's invention ? Maybe we can learn something from you .

    3. CW - 19 February 2013 05:33 (that's right, 5 days ago)
      "Mechanism tested fine ... works as planned . Excess weights installed tomorrow . X-fingers ."

      Anonymous (not me) - 19 February 2013 23:20
      "Way to go Chris. Excess weights - can you explain their purpose since you said the wheel is balanced."

      CW - 20 February 2013 04:19
      "I am not here to explain anything...."

      But, you want to hear everyone else's concepts ??

    4. If I get a runner I will have something to explain ... but won't necessarily be explaining it . You know ? How's your build going ?

    5. Reality is I took the thing apart ... and am rebuilding it with some changes because I had a dream and couldn't remember what it was about... but when I sat down to animate it came back to me and so ... my design changed a bit hopefully for the better .

  9. Good luck John. More power to you!

  10. I have a lot of things and nothing works , I now think Bessler was a fraud and the maid was turning those wheels .
    I am starting on another free energy project , its a magnet motor i am working on inventing .
    Its a new type of magnet motor , with magnets on it .

    1. Correction the first sentence is : "I have built a lot of things and nothing works"

      I am finished with the Bessler wheel .

      Johann Bessler was a fraud .

    2. You claim to be Bessler, so you are saying you were a fraud. Nice.

  11. Where have all the sound minds gone.
    Wheeling and dealing everywhere but not a working wheel in sight.
    Oh!for an intelligent mechanically minded group with which to converse and compare notes.
    Who will come to save us!

    1. Trevor,
      I couldn't agree more, when I posted a possible design, all I got were sarcastic
      remarks, no logical argument as to why my idea may/may not work.
      I tied in the two most outstanding clues from each source,
      fitted them into a wheel design known to work, basically I came up with a rubber band
      heat engine operated mechanically.
      This is not as crazy as it sounds, I think it's Dr. Lindekin who runs the Bessler Wheel
      website, he has gone into great detail covering this subject.
      Anyway, we live in hope.

      Stephen Burke

    2. Just checked Bessler Wheel site again, not sure who runs it.
      Apologies to Peter Lindemann for getting the name wrong anyway!

      Stephen Burke

    3. I'm not sure anyone runs it,it's to complicated for me.
      The last time I tried to join it,it would not accept my password or URL what ever that means.
      I like John's blog because there are no strings attached.

    4. Yes Trevor ... no strings attached . Very good .

      Die Dinge wird zusammenschweißen;
      Und kann (ehe man sich es wird versehen;)
      Des Werks Verfertigen geschehn;


    5. Trevor,
      I had the same trouble as well, there's no need to sign in, just type "rubber band
      engine" into the little forum search box, it'll come up on a list, and just click the
      title.If you like mechanical ideas, how about this ?
      The big pendulum on the outside works a ratchet in the wheel, this cranks the wheel so that one of the 8 weights on arms is at T.D.C. A split second before this, the cam lifted weight on the outside is released, giving the T.D.C. weight a twang, like a catapult, the resulting movement of the wheel by 45 degrees, as it tries to find equilibrium again, is used to give the nearly depleted pendulum a push, thus repeating the process. Needless to say, I thought of that while I was in my hammock !

      Stephen Burke

    6. Trevor,
      just found out B.W. forum is run by Scott Ellis.

      Stephen Burke

  12. The Bessler wheel is from another time/space continuum .
    There was a temporal time/space distortion , the spacetime of the bessler wheel slipped over into this universe .
    The principle the Bessler wheel operated on will not work in this universe after 21/12/12 , because the old time/space continuum slipped back after the temporal distortion ended on 21/12/12 .

    1. With all due respect, that sounds like Ealadha bull to me.

    2. Ealadha please,..Go play with your blocks,Lego or something.
      No offense, but this is serious business.

    3. Serious and the most complicated (some say impossible) task in history. Yet Trevor can't figure out how to sign up for a forum. Who needs to go play with his blocks? No offense...

    4. No anon,..I just hate paperwork.I'm not the clerical type but give me mechanics and I can knock your socks off.
      Every man to his speciallity.
      I just have'nt got the patience with these forums,I like to keep it simple and concentrate on the main goal.

    5. I am not doing anything wrong , look at all these anonymous posters posting links to websites here .
      I do think there was a temporal space/time distortion and it gave me a headache in 2008 , however i feel better now that its past 21/12/12 .
      Does any of you notice the difference since the 21/12/12 ?
      Or am I the only one .

    6. I hope you don't have access to a firearm.

  13. The Arrache Forums link on points to the Bessler Wheel forum. I'm not sure if this is a friendly link, or a business relationship. I find this somewhat troubling as Arrache is a business that builds gravity wheels and also builds gravity wheels for inventors that are unable to build for themselves. The Bessler Wheel forum is an open forum that promotes the open discussion of gravity wheel ideas. Kind of like a wolf opening a bed and breakfast for visiting chickens and pigs.

    1. Oh the drama ... yes , gravity wheels galore we have . Here , @ BW and Arrache .

  14. John ,
    I wonder , since I have been such an abrasive personality ( I'm not alone here :) ) will anyone be celebratory if I do in fact prove to have found the highly sought after principle ? Will I have to apologize for trying too hard , thinking too much , being too serious , obsessing or even ( God forbid ) cheating ? I know that each person ( searching )hopes that they can discover it themselves . So I guess what I am saying is I hope that some of you will be happy ( if ) that I found it .

    1. CW said
      "I hope that some of you will be happy ( if ) that I found it".

      There is no "if". You said you know you found it. Check your earlier posts. This is your last chance bub.

  15. As was stated as follows -

    * * * * *

    "Ealadha24 February 2013 18:22

    I have a lot of things and nothing works , I now think Bessler was a fraud and the maid was turning those wheels .
    I am starting on another free energy project , its a magnet motor i am working on inventing .
    Its a new type of magnet motor , with magnets on it .

    Ealadha24 February 2013 18:25

    Correction the first sentence is : "I have built a lot of things and nothing works"

    I am finished with the Bessler wheel .

    Johann Bessler was a fraud"

    * * * * *

    Given this and the unmistakeably vicious way as you put it, then WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE, Ealadha24? (If this were my blog, your rear would be persona non grata immediata! Understand?)

    "Trevor Dauncey25 February 2013 07:51

    Ealadha please,..Go play with your blocks,Lego or something.
    No offense, but this is serious business."

    Well-put, Trevor. I second it.


    Yes, Scott R. Ellis operates the Bessler Wheel site and it's forum.


    Some unsigned Anonymous now offers this bit -

    "Anonymous25 February 2013 23:27

    The Arrache Forums link on points to the Bessler Wheel forum. I'm not sure if this is a friendly link, or a business relationship. I find this somewhat troubling as Arrache is a business that builds gravity wheels and also builds gravity wheels for inventors that are unable to build for themselves. The Bessler Wheel forum is an open forum that promotes the open discussion of gravity wheel ideas. Kind of like a wolf opening a bed and breakfast for visiting chickens and pigs."

    The Arrache site is the property of a long-time and active BWF member "Ralph". All the members thereof that have sites (such as our J.C. here, Ovyyus and jim_mich etc.) are listed quite openly within their respective member details page. As to this, there are no secrets and there is nothing about it that should be in-the-least "troubling".

    Since the Grand Re-Opening to all, the quantity of offerings has gone UP but . . . with the quality DOWN. (I'll here resist the temptation to say 'in my opinion'.)

    Is there no midpoint solution?


    1. Ah, but JC doesn't have a link on his blog that says JC's forum, and it points to BW'w forum, and JC's blog does not represent a business interest. Big difference here.

  16. Chris, I would be ddelighted if you found the answer, just as I would for anyone else. As always I wish you and anyone else the very best of luck and I mean that.


  17. Thanks John . But do you get the point of the rest of what I said above ? that is : " trying too hard , thinking too much , being too serious , obsessing or even ( God forbid ) cheating " ... The next thing you know someone will say I " stole " there idea or something ;) .

    1. Ya ya we all feel so bad that you had to put in the effort we all had to do. The difference is we didn't announce to the world that we HAVE the solution and screw the rest of you. This is your legacy that you cannot run away from. IF (as you now say) you find the solution, then you will be the man. However, IF you fail, you better pack your bags and get out of this forum.

    2. Trevor is that you ?

  18. As usual since Jan 8 nothing for the serious Bessler wheel builder here just more entertaining 'banter' for Collins amusement. Desperate for a target now that tg is gone his pet troll is back and going after the non believing 'Ealadha'. The troll is too deluded to even realize that his line 'If this were my blog, your rear would be persona non grata immediata!' is exactly how almost everyone here feels about him! If he had his own blog he would be the only one one posting on it or reading it!

    Collins wrote 'Although I can't resume work on the project until I can tidy up and make some room, I have a clear idea of the way ahead and I know exactly what is to be done next.' ha, ha, ha! A newcomer here might actually believe this bullsh*t. Those following this blog for years know that Collins is no longer a serious wheel builder only an perptual excuse maker. Serious wheel builders work on their wheels everyday and have no time for excuses! Also don't ever expect him to reveal what hes working on in detail here or anywhere else. That will never happen for several reasons which I'll save for another time.


    1. This IS John Collins blog, in case you forgot, and he is entitled to all the "entertaining banter" he wants.
      Yours is not entertaining and you need to go the hell away! Nobody wants to hear how you don't like it here because technoguy is gone. If you don't like it here then go...go like the wind!



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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...