Saturday, 16 February 2013

Was Bessler's sales strategy wrong?

When Johann Bessler 'read that a thing to be prized more than a ton of gold would be the invention of a wheel which could turn of its own accord', it was after having spent a considerable amount of time and effort learning about all the different trades and crafts of his time.  He had travelled through Saxony, into England, Ireland and Scotland before returning to his homeland.

He had dabbled in treasure hunting, watch-making and medicine before comitting himself to the search for a solution to perpetual motion.  It seems to me that he sought wealth and fame from the very beginning but having found the solution to the perpetual motion machine, went about profiting from it in the wrong way.

Thomas Newcomen, who invented the first practicall steam engine  just a couple ot years before Bessler exhibited his first wheel, took a different approach to selling his invention.  He kept the secret within the membership of his family and they went around Europe building and installing their machines.  75 of them were in operation by the time he died.

That Bessler wanted riches is beyond doubt but his problem was the his machine required little more than standard ability to build and run, whereas Newcomen's was a far more complex machine requiring expertise and the training of its operators to function properly.  Even so Newcomen's engine cost about £1200 to buy - a huge cost in those days but compared to Bessler's request for £20,000 - a much better deal.

I think that Bessler could have offered his wheel at a much lower price and built and installed them himself.  If Newcomen, with the help of his family, was able to build and install 75 of his engines, before his death, I'm sure Bessler could have built even more than that and made a good living doing a similar service for people at quarter of  the cost of a Newcomen engine.  

Of course people would have copied them and built their own but I think the celebrity of having the original inventor build and install his machine would have generated enough sales to reach, say, 75 wheels at £250 each before he retired, and he would have earned money close to his desired £20,000.  John Rowley, Master of Mechanics to King George I, sold his Orreries for more than £500 each. Asking princes to commit to buying such an expensive machine as Bessler's was, with no chance to examine it's workings first was too much of a gamble for them.

Bessler was a born salesman, theatrical, passionate. and convincing.  I'm certain he could have succeeded and we would have the descendants of that machine with us today.




  1. Yes John,..That was the whole problem.His wheel was so simple that anyone build it and go into bussiness.
    In those days there was little or no patent protection so the 20,000pounds was actually for the secret and not for the individual wheel.

  2. I am thinking about starting a company where all owners focus on different things, and in this way we can be able to cover all the ereas at once. Building, making stragies, creating contacts/network, making videos, patents, books, WEB, movie-scripts, and then there is the codes, and so forth. Or else I believe a man will be run over and "get screwed" very soon, as you can`t cover all directions at once...

    The alternative would be as Bessler tried (without success). Keep it private and sell it for a large sum. With most other approaches I believe it will get out of hand very soon if one acts alone.

  3. Report update,..John with my last post on your previous blog I said I was about to test a new wheel,well, failed.
    Fortunately,just before that I had a new revelation about the same principle which I am sure will work.
    I now go to free pendulums which gave me 30 turns before it came to a stop.
    The difference is I have discovered how to keep the pendulums swinging.

    1. You can keep a pendulum swinging on a rotating wheel by using two weights .

  4. Keep at it Trevor, it looks as if you are close. Good luck!


  5. Yes, bad strategy. And then he gave up. 'Curiouser and curiouser', cried Alice.

    1. The only thing curious is your abstract comments.
      Say what's on your mind!

    2. You don't find it curious he bailed after one round?
      'Oh, well', he thought, 'I can't sell for less, so it's not worth pursuing anymore. All that work kept me busy, now I'll build a windmill.'


    3. Well, ok. Why do you think he gave up so easily on such a game changer?
      Perhaps it wasn't such a game changer after all?
      2 + 2 = 4.

    4. Since he didn't pursue the 75 wheel at 250 each strategy, which would have gotten him nearly what he asked for one,
      That would lead me to think something about his wheel was not right. He couldn't have built 75 and found 75 buyers?
      Somethings not right. He quit! There was something about it that meant he couldn't sell 75, or even 50 for a lower price.
      Sure he could have succeeded if he had done that. But he didn't. And there must be a reason.


  6. I do not think that it was invented for fame and fortune , i think JB liked inventing things and it was really just a hobby to him .

  7. Does it excist any information about the agreed price for his last sale? The year he died he wrote in a letter that he had finnished (the parts?) for å new machine that had been sold to a person I don`t remember the name of. It would be interesting to know...after all the years and failed negotiations, what was his last offer? I guess it must been a lower price..

    1. @Oystein
      I never heard about such a letter before. Where is that information available?

      @Trevor, you seem to be on a really hot track. Don't give up, and keep us informed. My own latest prototype build is a non-runner, too. I think my main problem is bad builing. A friend kindly offered to assist me with CAD-drawings, and another friend offered to cut the pieces once we have the CAD-drawings. Some other friends again encouraged me to keep on going when I was fed up with having created another failure. Good to have friends, isn't it?

    2. Yes Mimi,..Especially when we're interested in each other's progress.
      I tend to be over-cautious when taking on another's material or financial help because it only puts one under pressure to succeed.
      I will let you guys know the minute I have a runner.

  8. Thanks for allowing the anonymous comments . I could not trouble myslef with creating another google account .
    John ,
    You always seems to say things that rub me the wrong way . Bessler said in AP that his wheel had a grand significance to him . It was simply one of a kind , and what he was really selling was his effort , ability and dedication , which by their fruits seemed to surpass EVERYONE else's . To this day there are those who laugh loudly at seekers of PM . But Bessler had put the shoe on the other foot and all the derision , scold and mockery anyone and everyone could muster could not change the fact that there behind the cloak was housed " The True Mobile " . Bessler died just like everyone eventually will , his invention returned to dust likewise his body . But his writings ,rest assured , thanks to you ( may have already ) will eventually inspire the conception and manufacture of his device .


    1. Chris, do you ever think how YOU might rub others the wrong way?

    2. Better than a pat on the back or a slap on the cheek , huh ?!

  9. Sorry to rub you up the wrong way Chris, I post blogs to try to inspire debate. I may not always support what I say, but sometimes I just like to act like a devil's advocate! :)


  10. It's funny that the messages that seems to eminate from between the lines of Bessler's writings ( whether his device was genuine or not ) is only seek PM for it's own sake . He said
    " madness " was to blame if the wheel didn't sell . I'll take his word for that along with everything else he said .

  11. Justsomeone said: How about an update on your build C.W.

  12. It's basically built as of today , considering some changes to the mechanism .

    1. TODAY !!!

      This is big news. You must really be excited. Please keep us posted on your progress.

    2. Using steel weights . Steele is HARD ! Some delay , sorry .

  13. If someone were to get a Bessler wheel working perpetually , would there be money in it , i mean today ?

    1. Only death when big oil finds out who you are.

    2. Oh that's right ... well nothing like dying twice then.

    3. Come forth with a runner and you will find out. Well actually you will never know what hit you, so you will probably never know. Hey you might get lucky and come back as a peacock. Wouldn't that be ironic.

  14. Anybody learning anything new about how besslers wheels worked here yet? Im not since january 8 when 'technoguy' left.

    I predicted weeks ago this now dead post tg blog would finally permanently shutdown in june just before collins next spain trip. Even I was surprised to see that it came close to doing that just last week! Watching the sudden death, slow decay and final burial of a once mighty blog is a sad thing to do. Im praying that either tg or another serious wheel researcher comes along so we can have a resurection. If it happnes by easter then that would be good and even religiosly symbolic too.


    1. This was probably the best free energy type blog last year, but this year its like all the rest with just a lot of trivial chatter that will lead nowhere as far as figuring out how Bessler made his wheels work. I also expect a shutdown soon without TGs input. I've copied all of the parts of his past posts that deal with wheel mechanics just in case they suddenly "accidentally" get deleted or made unavailabe and recommend others do the same asap.

    2. You should all copy all my posts as well .
      Or just copy everything , all posts by everyone .
      And put it all onto discs and hide them where the MIB and big oil cannot find them .

    3. TG is no closer today than he was when he joined this blog. His design is just a spring enhanced weight shifter that has been proven time and time again to not work. TG made no contributions to this blog other than to fill it up with rants about his interpretations of clues he alone seemed to see in the Bessler portraits. His interpretations never seemed to lead him anywhere. Always one step forward, then another step backwards. His so called right track will go down in history as just another wrong track. He does have one thing in common with another member here, christo4_99, and that is failure to see the obvious.

    4. And what is the obvious?

    5. I have to admit that I found TG's material on Bessler's wheels unique compared to what else I've seen about the topic on the web. Either he is a bs artist extraordinaire or the most serious Bessler researcher to come along in years. I've also copied the "relevant" portions of his comments for possible future use and recommend others do the same. I miss his comments here.

    6. "And what is the obvious?"

      ... to see the futility in his design.

  15. Mechanism tested fine ... works as planned . Excess weights installed tomorrow . X-fingers .
    P.S. This is the hottest blog in the world ... as you will soon discover .

    1. Way to go Chris. Excess weights - can you explain their purpose since you said the wheel is balanced.

    2. I am not here to explain anything . I will let you all know what happens with this build . It's going well for now .

    3. CW you should start your own blog, then it can be the hottest in the world, and then when it gets to be the coldest in the world, you can quietly go away.

      This is your last chance to save face. You fail again and you will never live it down.

  16. Mike/TG why don't you start your own blog instead of wandering around here like a ghost who hasn't moved on?

  17. He's looking for Bessler's grave! We found it, tg. It's under the carpark behind the house.

    How are your sims not going?

  18. I think he should have said to Liebniz:

    If you get me a buyer (or several) and that buyer/s will commit to buy the secret -> After Liebniz publicly confirms the validity of the principle, after a thorugh inspection inside. Then would Liebniz get a free look, and maybe get the upper hand on Newton, and a buyer would be shure that the principle was what it was. A true PM. Then it would be the buyers problem to trust Liebniz or not. Teaming up with Liebniz would anyway be the smartest thing to do. If Liebniz could say: You will get my ashurance and the new mathematical formulas along with the principle and wheel. The sale would have happened soon. If I where Bessler I would gladly see the new mathematical formulas and split the money in half. Anytime.

  19. I think 3 , 5 or 7 mechanisms would work well.

    1. If you knew anything at all you would have a runner, but you don't. That makes you a big fat fake.

    2. Yes , I don't have a runner .
      But i hope to have a working wheel soon .

    3. "I think 3 , 5 or 7 mechanisms would work well."

      You won't with this approach.

  20. Nice point to discuss in article!!! Sales Strategy


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...