Friday, 4 January 2019

The "TOYS" Page Reviewed

When Johann Bessler was arrested he destroyed any drawings which explained how his wheel worked, but he still arranged to leave a number of drawings which he felt would lead someone with the right credentials to the solution....eventually.

The torrent of text speculating about something he wrote or drew and what it might mean, is fascinating but in my opinion, so far from the inventor's actual meaning and ultimate intention as to be beyond any likelyhood of revealing the solution.  There are clues written within the text but they are ambiguous and hard to make sense of but I’m certain that in the end they will be found to make sense within the laws of physics - they have to, because there cannot be any reason or sense in trying to circumvent them.

In Das Triumphirend, Bessler makes some interesting comments which may have been largely ignored.  I have added my own theory about the meaning of the 'Toys' page after the following.  He wrote.

"In a machine such as mine, ..... the motive force, the ability to move itself and drive other objects makes up the FORM of the device, without which its framework is just any old heap of material, which has completely lost its essence.  To cause the machine to stop requires the application of a greater external force, and can be accomplished without difficulty whenever one requires it, e.g. for the machine’s longer conservation.  Such a cessation can also occur through the (page 216) wearing-out or breaking of the machine’s parts.  The first is a “moral accident”, the second a “material accident.”  As an example of the ideas I am discussing, consider the case of two small metal spheres, one of iron and one of lead.  For both of them, their FORM consists in their regular sphericity.  But we find that, placed in a furnace, one loses its shape quicker than the other.  Therefore the greater or lesser “meltability” of such spheres is not the result of “sphericalness” – common to both – but of the physical characteristics of the two materials.  And it is this “material accident” which is the FORMAL CAUSE of the difference.        

"I must stress that if a Perpetual Motion machine of the type I have described really is in conformity with the demands of the most eminent mathematicians and (page 76) engineers, then it really deserves to have the Perpetual Motion appellation no matter how fragile the material from which it is constructed.  The case is no different from that of a leaden or even waxen sphere.  They are both as perfectly deserving of the description “sphere” as is an iron one, despite the fact that the latter will withstand fire and other attacks better than the two former.  For form gives the essence of the thing."

So what can we glean from these comments? It is interesting that he capitalises the word FORM and uses bold type to reinforce the idea.  He implies that FORM can be more important than the material it is constructed from.  My own efforts to make sense of the "Toys" page, sometimes referred to recently as MT138 although it is actually MT 138,139,140 and 141, have led me to believe that the figures shown on the page simply show the FORM.  He actually uses the word 'FORMA' in both the German and the Latin text which translates into FORM or SHAPE or APPEARANCE.

So, examining the "Toys" page, in my opinion, it is wrong to assume that item 'A' represents a Jacob's Ladder.  It is actually telling you that there are five mechanisms each having a form or shape, similar to that of items 'C' and 'D', but not working as they do. Each of the five items in 'A' are not part of what appears to be a Jacob's Ladder. Item 'B' has no connection with item 'A, even though it may appear to. It is telling you that each of the five items' in 'A' have a single twist to their design.  The same information is repeated in items 'C' and 'D'. 'C' shows you the form of the mechanism and 'D' repeats it with the same twist. 

Item 'E' includes an additional piece of information about the form. It's form or shape is present in the final mechanism shape, but as Bessler states in a handwritten note, " 5. Children's game in which there is something extraordinary for anyone who knows how to apply them in a different way."  The number 5 refers to the five labelled parts 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' and 'E', and his comment relates to those same parts.  This supports my conclusion that the figures shown are not intended to be used as you see them, but they should "be applied in a different way". For more on this see my blog of  Wednesday, 22 March 2017.  (Johann Bessler's Graphic Clues)

 In his quote above Bessler says that the two spheres are made of two different materials but they are still spheres.  Their differences are not apparent at first sight, but they each have different characteristsics and behave differently under certain circumstances, so at first sight might be misconstrued.

So in my opinion he is saying that FORM or SHAPE is important but two similar shapes may have different characteristics or to put it another way, is, use the SHAPE you see on the paper but don't assume that you understand the way that shape will function and is the way the inventor intended.  This is hard to explain. Just because item 'A' on the 'TOYS' page looks like a Jacobs ladder, don't assume that is what it is.  Separate the component parts, try merging them to get the intended design but retain the obvious differences.

This digression in DT is there for a reason and I think it is a hint to look at the drawings but don't make any assumptions abut their actions.



  1. Great interpretation John, I congratulate you.
    In my opinion :
    1. This form will be suitable for all applications.
    2. This can also be done using 5.
    3. 5 is unique because it has something, but it is not something you should first find - know.

  2. Good morning John .. I think Bessler might even be saying A MORE BASIC TRUTH. Both in these quotes about form and in relation to the Toys Page.

    "In a machine such as mine, ..... the motive force, the ABILITY TO MOVE ITSELF AND DRIVE OTHER OBJECTS makes up the FORM of the device, without which its framework is just any old heap of material, which has completely LOST ITS ESSENCE."

    "For form gives the essence of the thing."

    IMO FORM is the formal arrangement (and order of operation) of the parts. Arranged such that the wheel can move itself and drive other objects if this is observed. If not it takes on no 'life' of its own.

    And so IMO the Toys Page shows the basic parts list and actions. But not how they are ordered, arranged, or interact together to find the final FORM that gives the wheel vis viva.

    And that is what he means when he says "there is something extraordinary for anyone who knows how to apply them in a different way". That is how to arrange them to have a life of its own.

    Best -fletcher

  3. Very good analysis John. I agree with you, A and B must be two different toys. Bessler uses same letter for one mechanism, even if there are multiple views of it. But what are they? Well, if not jacobs ladder, some kind of a chain may be?

  4. Or as a simple idea.

    You can arrange the parts in the Toys Page to make all sorts of OOB wheel look-alikes. Yours will have the same FORM as Bessler's true PM wheel, as an IRON sphere is to a WAX sphere, in that both are spheres, or both look like OOB wheels. But yours will have no vis viva and drive itself and other objects, while his "a priori" arrangement will.


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. In this case John, I think you point away from the essence of it. I read these chapters with my breakfast coffee today and what he is actually defending is Perpetual Motion versus Everlasting Motion as people like to believe or demand. Perpetual Motion is Perpetual Motion even if the parts will wear out. The form is the same, but a machine (or a sphere) made from different material will last for a longer or shorter time, but never forever! A true Perpetual Motion Machine will not and can not run forever, but still it is Perpetual!

    And as proven before, his clues doesn't solely point at the number 5, but most of the time is accompanied by the number 3.. Together they make up 8. (IMO)


  7. RAF Greetings John, Thanks for the Toy Page review! You said that item B has no connection to item A,so what does B represent to you? What is Mr. Bessler conveying to us in item B?

    1. Badly worded RAF, A is to be split into five separate mechanisms and B is also to be split into five mechanisms, but whereas A is shown in more detail in C, B which is also shown but with a twist indicated, also has two levers protruding from the top of one of the five mechanisms. So while B is not to be confused with A, it does bear similarities, but has additional features.

      In my opinion B represents connections between the mechanisms. He could not add the two levers to each of the five parts in B, so he showed the twist in each of the five parts and just added the levers to one of the twisted mechanisms, just my opinion!


  8. Mabey this question has already been asked but, where can I look to find some quotes that Bessler used to describe the inner workings of his wheel? Like, one pound of weight can lift X amount of pounds and so on.


    2. Also consider purchasing John Collin's English translations of Bessler's books (AP, MT, etc.). They are your best resources.

  9. John, if take here together all your Toy page findings, that you have published in different places and made at different times. My question here is, are all those toy page findings just an introduction, to the "next level information", what's coming in the near future or is here just all the information you have found on the toy page?

    All the best

  10. John, this Toys Page is a terrific topic and I promise to speak to it soon but, I must diverge from it just a bit right now, if I might?

    In the last post for the New Year you wrote:

    "In a previous post I asked if Johann Bessler foretold the year of the reappearance of his wheel? I asked this because he published a panegyric to Karl, the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, dated 2019."

    This is exceedingly interesting to me.

    At where might this "panegyric" be seen in toto? It was big news to me as I'd never even heard it spoken-of.



  11. James, I have seen a translation of one of his panegyrics to Karl, but I do not have it in my possession. I do have several pages similar to the piece I posted on the topic, but they are all mostly chronograms. What I can tell you is that the translations of the German prose, obviously for Karl’s personal attention, were fulsome in their praise for Karl and accompanied with cloyingly sweet wishes for his continued good health. One can assume they were probably sent in the hope that the Landgrave would continue to hold Bessler’s secret in total confidence.


    1. Oh, good. I thank you for that. I searched some over at BWF and found a reference to them in Stewart's pages.

      Hmm, interesting. One wonders what the one for year 2019 might state.

      As far as the subject of the Toy Page goes, I can state that it provided myself with the most information that was tangibly useful to final, desired effect. Without it I would not be in the desirable position that I now am.

      Most of "it" is there as Bessler said, it being "the principle."

      (Did he not state somehow, somewhere that there was but one, no? And, that it might be utilized variously as to configuration? Assuming this-so, I believe it!!!)


  12. RAF Long ago I regarded your wise council and installed an enlarged drawing of M.T.138 on my workbench in my lab.I have studied it for the last 4 years.I consider it the Rosetta stone for deciphering the Bessler enigma. Always before me has been your statement " Simplicity is the key"

  13. RAF I now see that in item B, Mr. Bessler, ever whimsical and clever,has straightened out the rim of the wheel and made it a vertical line! The "blobs" are rim stops, 5 on one wheel face and 5 on the back wheel face, the front set offset from the back set by 37 and 1/2 degrees. Hence the importance of the ever present 5 and 5 motif.

  14. RAF Item A is an etcetera drawing showing the same FORM, image, of the rectangular pantograph in C and D turned vertical. The arms are lined up with the rim stops in B and clever Mr. Bessler shows us how to size the pantograph for ANY wheel diameter !! If this thesis is correct then the rim stops are the outer part of an escapement, the pantograph the inner. If Mr. Bessler is anything he is the Grand Master of hidden motif!

  15. A stop that allows a pressure to be exerted on the perimeter.. which is the greatest possible position for a moment arm to occur

  16. How clever he to have kept this secret for so long with so many clues that point to the solution.

    1. Bessler is toying with us with the toy page. Heh :)

  17. With all the pictures and drawings that Bessler made, does any of them show a specific part used for the overbalanced mechanisms? I thought I read somewhere that each picture contains a piece of the actual part needed to build the gravity wheel.

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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...