Friday 9 October 2020

Bessler Collins Gravity Wheel Part Three.

Having rejected the idea of using computer simulations just because I always believed that a hands on build was the only way to be successful in this enterprise, I’m now forced to admit that they do have a role to play, albeit at the end of an unsuccessful build.  Wubbly’s sim of my design revealed a weakness which would have kept the wheel stationary.....perpetually!

Despite this setback I’m not discouraged.  There are a number of separate elements which I think will be needed within a successful machine and I’ve already designed on paper a potential solution.  I have been encouraged to take advantage of sims and I’m giving it some consideration.  Unfortunately my favourite windows pc is becoming rather old and slow and I’m not sure if it could deal with any software which might be too complex.  I do have an iMac but I’m still getting to grips with that but I’m sure it could handle anything.  I think I’m the problem, not the computer!

I would not have known of this problem if not for wubbly’s swift sims, and if I hadn’t bitten the bullet and shared some of my design no sim could have been made, and I would still be stuck in perpetual stillness in my workshop! I’m so grateful, but it’s back to the workshop for now and possibly some sim education if the winter gets too cold for me to stay in there!  

I’m certain that for some clues my interpretation is correct and they will be used in my new version of Bessler’s wheel, and they are as listed below.

Five mechanisms, five weights, ten levers, ten pulleys, five cords, connecting levers, ten pivots, numerous stops.  The information I used was found in GB, AP, DT, and the Toys page in MT. It was graphic and textual.

I’ll be sharing more information in future but for now I need to test this latest design.


The Real Johann Bessler Codes part one

I’ve decided to include in my blogs some of the evidence I have found and deciphered which contain  the real information Bessler intended us...