Friday, 30 October 2020

The Meaning of the Apologia Poetica Wheel.

What I love about this blog is the way it has transmogrified into a kind of catch-all discussion group which occasionally mentions the subject heading but then meanders off into various side issues.  But hey, I don’t worry as long as people keep commenting and we get some useful exchange of views.

There has been much discussion over the value of Bessler’s clues and, dare I say it, ‘fake clues’. My own efforts don’t seem to have garnered much interest but plenty of scepticism, but in my opinion they are real, not fake.

I have been asked many times for examples of the clues I claim to have found and deciphered, so even though some of them are available on my other websites I’m going to post several here from time to time, in the hope of generating some interest. I’m not going to show those that give too much away to start with, but I plan to share them all as my efforts to replicate Bessler’s wheel proceed - and I do have a design I’m working on.

There is a multitude of pieces of coded information, buried in this publication, Apologia Poetica, but the Apologia wheel drawing at the end of this book interested me initially because it looked so simple and because of the intriguing and mysterious hint in the accompanying text, “Jesus said, ‘do ye still not understand?’

I measured the angles at the inner end of the white segments and discovered, as others have found, that the angles are ambiguous – a bit too vague to measure accurately. I noted that the angles in the white segment formed a point outside the inner circles and that the black segments did not in fact form any measurable angle unless you extended them to a point which came somewhere beyond the centre of the wheel.

Due to the way things were printed in those times the exact sizes of the angles were difficult to establish.I felt that there must be another reason for the inclusion of this diagram with its cryptic comment above, and Bessler must have made allowances for the irregularities of the printing techniques of his time. If he knew that the angles would be hard to measure then perhaps the exact measurement did not matter, but it seemed safe to assume that all three angles were equal. I measured the white angles again and established that they were variously somewhere between 23 degrees and 27 degrees.

I added together each set of the same three numbers forming each of the three angles to see if the sum of the three numbers had any meaning. Using the angles as measured between 23 and 27 degrees, I ended up with several possible totals between 69 and 81. I divided the resultant totals into the 360 degrees of a circle and there was just one number which divided equally into 360 and that was the first real advance in deciphering Bessler’s code.

Three times 24 degrees comes to 72, and 360 degrees divided by 72 is 5. A circle, which can be divided by five, is a pentagram or a pentagon (a pentagram is a pentagon inscribed within a circle). So, I decided that Bessler might be indicating that his wheel had five divisions, which might indicate the use of five mechanisms – or it was a clue to further decipherments.

During my research I have discovered that Bessler rarely, if ever, missed an opportunity to include two or more hints or ways of deciphering a clue, within each item that held a clue and the above Apologia wheel is no exception. For those who remain unconvinced that the above diagram does indeed hold a hidden pentagram the following will go some way towards convincing them of this fact.

The above drawing is virtually self-explanatory. Draw a line from ’A’ to ’B’ as in the drawing. Drop a perpendicular through the centre of the wheel from ‘C’ to ‘D’. The length of the chord from ‘A’ to ‘C’ and also ‘B’ to ‘C’ is equal to one chord of a pentagram. Using a set of compasses set to the length of the first chord, simply fill in the remaining chords to complete the pentagram. Examples of this system of double clues abounds in Bessler’s work and is a way of confirming what initial findings appear to indicate.

There is an additional clue hidden in the curiously drawn axle in the centre of the Apologia wheel. It consists of a white dot denoting the centre, surrounded by a solid black circle. Surrounding this in turn is a white circle which is itself surrounded by a thin black circle and finally another white circle but one divided by three terminations of the three white segments. Just decoration? No.

In the next figure notice the same red lines as in the drawing above. First I drew the red horizontal line (as AB above). Next I drew in the two almost vertical red lines, which begin at the lowest corners of the bottom white segment and rise, deliberately skimming the edge of the inner black circle. Note that they meet at the upper edge of the circumference, indicating the same point as ‘C’ does in the above figure. This allows you to draw in the two upper arms of the pentagon

Now observe the two blue lines; starting from the only two points left on the circumference which don’t have lines starting from them, draw two lines skimming the edge of the slightly larger black circle to the far circumference. These end points define the other points of the pentagon.

The edge of the solid inner black circle provides the two datum points for the nearly vertical red lines which define the top of the perpendicular line through the centre. The thin outer black circle provides the two datum points for the blue lines, the lower ends of which define the remaining pentagon points

This not only explains the reason for the elaborate centre circles but also proves the presence of the pentagon. He gives us three ways to decipher the meaning of this wheel; once with the three 24 degree angles, numerical, and twice with different sets of geometrical lines defining the pentagonal feature.

Earlier I mentioned the curious quotation from the Bible which accompanies the Apologia wheel, “.... and Jesus said, do ye still not understand”. The implication is that there is something to be understood which is not readily apparent to the eye. It will be noticed that the quotation is from the Bible and takes the form of a chronogram. Chronograms were particularly popular in Germany in this period and were often used on buildings to establish the date of their construction.

Taking the several Latin uppercase letters D, I, D, V, C, C, V, V, D and I, from the first line of the quotation, and assuming they also represent Roman numerals, added together they total the figure 1717, the year of AP’s publication. D = 500, I = 1, V = 5, and C = 100. It will be noticed that the last line of the quotation has a couple of blanks, easily ignored but which represented omitted letters. The missing word is in fact, ‘teufel’ meaning ‘devil’. The letter ‘U’ and the letter ‘V’ are interchangeable in German so, applying the same technique as above and replacing the letters with numbers where possible we get ‘teVfeL’. Using the V and the L, indicates the number 55 - the number 5 again but repeated this time. 

Returning to the wheel diagram, there is the numerical pointer to the number 5, plus two geometrical features pointing to two 5s. This mimics the two 5s in the missing letter blanks in the quotation. This next is arguably coincidence, but the year 1717 can be read as 17 x 2 which equals 34 degrees, one of the main angles in a pentagram.

This is such an ingenious way of transmitting information, and is typical of the rest of Bessler’s clues. What information is he offering? To me it is obviously the basic wheel needs to have five segments, and the duplicated number 5 relates to the two way wheel, but it may also to mean 5 weights in 5 segments, or two sets of 5 weights!

These clues, with my interpretations, seem a lot more convincing than others which have been published.  I have strived to find and unravel clues which are simple to see and understand.  My solutions are logical and it seems to me that it is the solution I offer which is received with scepticism not the way I deciphered it.  This example above suggesting the importance of the number 5 is widely dismissed and the reason seems to be because  Fischer von Erlach described hearing the sound of about eight weights landing on the side towards which the wheel turned, in the Kassel wheel.  But the sounds were muffled by other noises, there could have been more of them in a two way wheel, and some could have been muffled or silenced.



  1. Ahhh...finally a blog topic I can sink my analytical teeth into! Thanks, JC! Here's a new interpretation of that AP "wheel" for everyone to ponder.

    First, it's not actually a wheel but rather an aerial view of a huge circular stadium. The little dark circle in the center however does represent one of Bessler's wheels. That wheel is then surrounded by three grainy dark regions which represent three large sectors of the stadium in which many people, whose heads are represented by the many little white dots inside of the sectors, are all seated and are starring downward at the Bessler wheel in the center of the circular stadium.

    Those three groups of people represent the three types of people in the world who find out about Bessler's wheels. One group thinks Bessler is honest and has a genuine working pm wheel and they are in the bottom right sector. The other group thinks Bessler is a lying crook with a fake wheel and they are in the bottom left sector. The third group is not sure what to make of Bessler's wheels and they are all in the top third sector.

    Thus Bessler's AP "wheel" actually divides humanity into three equal groups of believers, skeptics, and agnostics when it comes to what they think of Bessler wheels after they have found out about them. Bessler put the quote from Matthew 15:16 above the upper third sector of people sitting in the stadium to indicate that they were the agnostics who were still "without understanding" meaning that they did not yet have an opinion on the reality of Bessler's wheels.

    I think this was a kind of visual parable that Bessler came up with to fill in the space on the page and was inspired by his study of Jesus' parables in Matthew 13. As I've mentioned in the past, the number 13 is an very important one in both the Bible and numerology and Bessler, a very religious numerologist, would have been naturally attracted to a chapter with this number in any book of the Bible.

    Sayer of Sooths

    1. Thank you SoS for a unique interpretation!

    2. Play ball ...

    3. Great analysis Sayer of Sooths.

      Everyone talks about those German lines above the AP "wheel", but only the first line is Matthew 15:16. The next two lines translate (according to Stewart over at bwf) as:

      "If I reveal inside the art,
      then the devil may tame/master you."

      Bessler seems to be saying that he is hesitant to reveal the secret of his wheels because, if he does, it might lead to more evil in the world. One wonders why he would think that?

      Bessler Curious

    4. SoS's analysis of the AP wheel reminds me a little of this scene of heaven in a 1946 movie called "A Matter of Life and Death". The people are seated in ascending curved rows of seats around a big circular center area. Only that rock in the center would be replaced by Bessler's wheel if he's right. Here's a scene from that movie:

      IIRC is was John Collins who first started calling that figure in AP a "wheel" and after that everyone else also started calling it a wheel. Maybe he was wrong? If so then a lot of people wasted a lot of time trying to analyze a Bessler wheel design that never really existed!

    5. BC wrote "Bessler seems to be saying that he is hesitant to reveal the secret of his wheels because, if he does, it might lead to more evil in the world. One wonders why he would think that?"

      If Bessler revealed the design, then others would take it and not pay him for it. He then wouldn't have the money to set up that religious trade school he wanted and also promote his own improved version of Christianity. Without those in place the Devil would be better able to corrupt humanity into doing more evil so when they died he could take their immortal souls back down to Hell with him before the End of the World when Jesus returns.

      I'm thinking about SoS's circular stadium explanation for the AP symbol and there's even a way to explain those three smaller white sectors between the three much larger dark ones. They would be stairs or slopes leading down to the center of the stadium that people would use to reach and fill up the rows of seats in the dark sectors.

    6. Anon 04.00, wrote “ IIRC is was John Collins who first started calling that figure in AP a "wheel" and after that everyone else also started calling it a wheel. Maybe he was wrong? If so then a lot of people wasted a lot of time trying to analyze a Bessler wheel design that never really existed!”

      Don’t blame me if you think you’ve wasted your time, I’ve just checked and Bessler mentions the word “wheel” 123 times in Apologia Poetica, and the last time in the first half of AP, is just before the only picture in the book, he says “ Amid this earthly chaos I raise heavenwards my arms (like a symbolic WHEEL) to honour the Lord.”


    7. "Amid this earthly chaos I raise heavenwards my arms (like a symbolic WHEEL) to honour the Lord"

      Must be a bad translation because how could Bessler's raised arms be a wheel symbol? I don't see anything that suggests to me that symbol at the end of AP is supposed to be a wheel like the kind that actually rotates. There are a lot of circular symbols in the Kabala but no one seriously thinks any of them are supposed to be wheels that could rotate.

    8. Found it! Here's that scene in that movie "A Matter of Life and Death" that anon 04:00 mentioned where you get to see what part of heaven looks like. British actor David Niven plays a WWII bomber pilot that was injured and is having a very dangerous brain operation while his soul is put on trial up in a heavenly court to decide if it must stay there (because he dies during the operation) or if it can stay back in his body so he can recover and be with his girlfriend again. The jury are all the souls of those who have died in various wars over the centuries. It's kind of creepy. Maybe something like this is what Bessler had in mind when he came up with that wheel at the end of AP?

    9. I presume that he meant that the AP wheel could look like a person with their arms raised upwards?


    10. SoS wrote: "... whose heads are represented by the many little white dots inside of the sectors..."

      I found this aerial photo of a large crowd in Los Angeles protesting the murder of George Floyd. It's amazing how similar it looks to those dark sectors in Bessler's AP "wheel".

      I think your analysis this time, even though it's not really numerological, is spot on. But, it makes me wonder how Bessler would know what an aerial view of a large crowd would look like? Maybe he was on a top floor of Weissenstein Castle and was able to view a large crowd on the grounds below?

    11. That image of the AP wheel John posted is not the best resolution. If you look at the original manuscript under magnification you will see that the "dots" really look more like little four pointed stars. Maybe this wheel is supposed to represent some sort of model of the universe? The actual dot in the center of the dark circle would be our Sun, the next white circle around that the orbit of the Earth, and the four pointed stars would represent all of the stars surrounding us? I'm not sure what the second white circle with the points of the three white sectors touching it would represent though. Maybe three paths from our solar system for the souls of the departed to fly up to heaven? It's hard to tell exactly what this symbol means and it's too bad that Bessler did not explain it so we wouldn't have to waste time trying to find some connection between it and his pm wheels.

    12. I like both SoS's and Anon 21:46's interpretations. But, maybe that wheel really has no one meaning. Like many symbols it can have several meanings each of which will be recognized by a person depending on his background, education, place in society, etc.

      It must have had some special meaning for Bessler otherwise he would not have put it at the end of AP. I'm not convinced however that it shows anything about the inner workings of his wheels. He was way too paranoid about secrecy to do something like that. It might have some sort of religious meaning like maybe showing the holy trinity. Bessler was into making up his own version of Christianity so maybe it was a symbol he wanted to use someday to replace things like the cross or the star of David? Has anyone checked any of his religious books to see if it appears in one of them? If so that would prove it is supposed to be religious.

      Btw here's a image used to teach people about the holy trinity. It does look a little like the AP wheel:

      If this was Bessler's intention then that "hub" at the center of his AP wheel would have to be God. Sometimes God is represented in old paintings by an "all seeing eye" floating up in the sky. The wheel's center hub does look a little like an eyeball with the dark center being the iris and the little dot in the exact center the pupil. Then again maybe I'm just seeing things.

    13. Since everyone else is trying to interpret the AP wheel I guess I might as well give it a try also.

      Anon 6:50's idea that the hub of the wheel could be the eye of God is very interesting. If it is supposed to be an eyeball then it looks like it's being held in the center of the wheel by the points of the three equal area white sectors. Maybe there is a fourth white sector we cannot see behind the eyeball? Together the four would actually fix the center of the spherical eyeball in space and keep it at the center of a large sphere. What we see in the AP wheel drawing would then just be a thin slice through the center of that sphere. That large sphere and all of the many little dots or as anon 21:46 pointed out the many little four pointed stars in it represent the universe with the eye of God at the center.

      But the eyeball would still be free to rotate around in different directions if the points of the four white sectors just touched its surface. That means that God can look at any star, any of its planets, and any person living on that planet. If this is right then the AP wheel is supposed to represent the all seeing and all knowing quality of God.

      Those four (three visible and one hidden behind the eyeball) white sectors could also be symbolic of the four nails used to pin Jesus to the cross.

      This is all complete guesswork of course. But I do agree that we won't learn anything of value about Bessler's pm mechanisms from the AP wheel. Bessler was really into teasing readers with little bits of information here and there while keeping them starved for the really important information they needed to know exactly how his "simple" wheels actually worked. The price to learn that was a lot greater than that of a copy of one of his books. (Does anybody know how much he charged for his books?)


    14. I must confess that I am most impressed with your analysis of the AP "wheel", jason, and think it's probably more accurate than the one I gave at the beginning of this blog! Good job! My analysis was based upon what looked to me like dots in the dark regions and which I interpreted as being the heads of people sitting in a huge circular stadium. I did not realize that the dots were actually tiny four pointed stars and if I'd known that I would have made a quite different analysis that might have been closer to the one you came up with.

      Sayer of Sooths

    15. Thanks to jason's interpretation I think it's now possible to know exactly what Bessler's intentions were with the way he ended AP.

      Using that Bible quote from Matthew 15:16 Bessler is asking the reader, after he just finished reading AP, if he still does not understand how his wheels work. Of course Bessler knows that he doesn't because he didn't reveal the secret in enough detail. In the next two lines he tells the reader that if he told the secret to him it would only empower the devil to do more evil in the world.

      In the original AP we see Bessler draws a big horizontal line between the last of the text in AP and that "wheel" at the very end. To me that means the wheel has nothing to do with the previous text which means it has nothing to do with Bessler's wheels so forget about learning how they worked from it. So what does it mean?

      I think, as jason suggests, it represents the all seeing and all knowing eye of God. That doesn't mean Bessler thought God was actually a giant eyeball floating out in space at the center of our universe! It is a symbol for the supreme consciousness or mind of God which is at the center of our universe and is aware of everything going on in it. God can also immediately affect any part of the entire universe by only using his will. I think the real message of that "wheel" to the reader is that, while the reader may not understand exactly how Bessler's wheels worked, God certainly did. Also, the only way that Bessler could have found out is if God decided to give him the secret which is what Bessler always claimed. He seems to say that all the work he did to find his runner would have been completely useless if not for God giving him the extra help he needed.

      But why does Bessler under that Bible quote then say "If I reveal inside the art, then the devil may tame/master you"?

      That could have been Bessler's way of telling his readers to not be in a rush to learn how Bessler's wheels worked because if they did find out they would only misuse the secret and that would let the Devil cause more evil in the world. Bessler wanted his readers to understand that only he knew how to properly reveal the secret to the world so that it would be used for good which as anon 06:29 said involves getting money for the invention to use for religious purposes.

      Bessler Curious

  2. The importance of five mechanisms is one of the things I certainly don't agree with or the way you determined it John. You have mentioned that it is all that could fit in the wheel, if I am remembering correctly. Let's say your last design worked for the sake of argument. It would also work with seven, eight or nine mechanisms of the same size in a larger wheel, correct? I believe Bessler's two directional wheel had eight mechanisms but would just as easily have worked with ten or twelve mechanisms in a larger wheel ( or smaller mechanisms in the same size wheel ). I see no reason to be stuck on the number 5. JMHO

    1. Thanks jso, I’m still convinced that odd numbers of 5 or more are a necessary ingredient, and in fact Bessler hints that 5, 7, 9 will work. Like you this is Jehovah.


    2. JMHO, not Jehovah! Blasted predictive text. JC

    3. It certainly looks like Bessler used an inscribed pentagon and two center circles with different diameters to create the three equal area white sectors of the AP wheel. But, automatically concluding that means he also had to have used five mechanisms inside of his wheels seems like guesswork to me.

      He could have experimented with polygons having different numbers of sides inscribed inside of circles and come up with ways of making figures with various numbers, odd and even, of symmetrically arranged equal area white sectors inside of the circles. Right now I think SoS's interpretation above makes the most sense to me. But, I (and he) could be wrong of course.


    4. JC wrote: "...I’m still convinced that odd numbers of 5 or more are a necessary ingredient, and in fact Bessler hints that 5, 7, 9 will work."

      He also hinted in MT that Leupold's wheel with 12 levers and MT14 with 24 levers could be made to work. Both have an even number of levers.

  3. I think John's reasonning that 5 is important is highly likely.
    Where i disagree, is that 5 isn't the only important number and it shouldn't be applied to every aspect of the wheel. A wheel with 8 sections and 5 weights would satisfy the argument of the 8 knocks. Two independant sets of 5 weights could also be rotating in the same 8 sections, or offset in 16 sections.
    George Kunstler's octagon could be a pentagon and could be running in a 55 sectioned wheel. We can't just ignore the 8 knocks because it doesn't "fit" with 5 sections, we need to find a way of having the eight knocks with the 5 weights or whatever the 5 represents.

    1. There's a simpler solution. Just use 8 weights in 8 sections that produce 8 knocks per wheel rotation. That's a lot simpler than trying to have 5 weights somehow swinging around in 8 sections to make 8 knocks. Oh, I forgot. John used to claim there were 10 weights swinging around and making "about" 8 knocks in 5 sections. Now after that theory of his crashed and burned he's pushing the 5 weights in 5 sections making "about" 8 knocks. He's all over the place with weights trying to make those "about" 8 knocks. Imo, we need to keep it simple by letting it be exactly 8 weights in exactly 8 sections making exactly 8 knocks.

    2. You’re misquoting me anon 05.39. I was trying to explain how it might be possible to explain 8 knocks in the two way Kassel wheel. Five sets, mirror imaged, so ten knocks, and muffle one set in each set produces 8 knocks. Just a suggestion that might be a typical thing done by Bessler to divert attention from what might be happening inside the wheel. No need for the sarcasm, we are all trying to find the answer.


    3. John wrote in the main blog part above: "This example above suggesting the importance of the number 5 is widely dismissed and the reason seems to be because Fischer von Erlach described hearing the sound of about eight weights landing on the side towards which the wheel turned, in the Kassel wheel."

      John seems to be implying here that "about" 8 impacts were ONLY heard in Bessler's TWO direction wheels. But in Christian Wagner's 1716 Critique, he says this about the much thinner and ONE direction Draschwitz wheel:

      “The Draschwitz wheel was made up of 8 spokes and was empty near the circumference, as one could see through the various cracks in the casing made of thin boards.”

      I think if that earlier and much thinner one directional Draschwitz wheel's drum had 8 spokes showing on its front face, then it probably had another parallel set of 8 showing on its back face as well. It probably only had one weight on a lever pivoted between a parallel pair of front and back spokes, for a total 8 levers inside of the drum and also would only have been able to produce 8 impact sounds per drum rotation. It wasn't "about" 8. It was exactly 8. If so then this shoots down any suggestion about needing two internal one direction wheels placed "back to back" to make "about" 8 impact sounds.

      I think it's far more logical to assume that in Bessler's two directional wheels, only the internal one direction wheel turning in its correct direction made the 8 sounds while the other internal one direction wheel, forced to turn in its wrong direction, stayed silent maybe because all of its 8 weights were forced into contact with their stops and stayed there as the drum rotated? When a two direction wheel's drum was stopped and then started in the other direction, this situation then became reversed.

      I think it's because of clues like this that as John said "the importance of the number 5 is widely dismissed". The majority of Bessler pm wheel chasers seem convinced that the number of noise making mechs in Bessler's wheels was 8 and not 5. I don't think John will find success if he keeps thinking that there were 5 mechs in either a one directional wheel or in each of a two directional wheel's two internal one directional wheels.

  4. Uh oh! Looks like John's got some competition in the five weights pm wheel department with this guy's wheel:

    The video's opening text when translated from Italian to English reads:

    "By giving an initial push in a clockwise direction, the WHEEL rotates around itself and around another eccentric stop to it, making the arms of the weights extend to the right and shorten them to the left, this mechanism, due to the difference in descent and ascent forces, would maintain in motion the WHEEL (if I would have built everything with precision machines, instead of by hand perhaps the dream of many enthusiasts would have come true).

    Come on guys we can do it !!!

    N.B. enthusiastic inventors often have to stop, because the experiments cost money, which affect the family budget."

    He thinks it doesn't work because it's not built accurately enough. How many times have we heard that excuse?!

    1. I made something similar to his five weight wheel years ago which only used four sliding weights. I was convinced it had to work. It didn't and neither will his no matter how accurate he makes it or how many weights it uses.

      Here's a similar one that only uses a single sliding weight to try to keep the cog of a rotor on one side of the axle. It also does not work and eventually slows to a stop.

  5. This is supposed to be Halloween night in the US with kids roving the streets and going house to house, ringing doorbells, saying "Trick or Treat?", and expecting their tribute in the form of tasty candy.

    Normally I see a dozen or more groups of costume wearing tykes showing up. This COVID-19 virus year things are a lot different. Only one little group of three kids came to my place. I gave them double the amount of candy per kid that I normally would just to get rid of what I had bought for the holiday. Parents are afraid to let their kids go to strangers' homes with all of the virus out there (we had a record 90,000 new infections just the other day!). The three kids that showed up at my place weren't even wearing masks! They just had some makeup on with their homemade costumes, but I made sure I had my mask on and gave them the candy outside the house and in the open air after which I washed my hands thoroughly so I wouldn't pass anything from one group to another if they showed up which they didn't. Something tells me that this Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays will be similarly disappointing. The candy manufacturers must really be hurting financially this year because they probably sell most of their candy during the holidays and especially for Halloween. I noticed a big drop off in the number of candy commercials on the tv so I guess they were cutting their advertising expecting they'd be selling less.

    Tonight, October 31st is a full moon night and this one is what's called a "blue moon" even though it's not really blue colored and looks like any other full moon. A blue moon is the second full moon in a month and it's kind of rare only happening usually once every 2 or 3 years. But a blue moon on Halloween night is even rarer and only happens about once every 19 years.

    I tend to believe in omens and I think this one is significant. Blue is the color associated with the Democratic Party which is the political party Joe Biden is a member of. I think this omen means he will be winning the election next Tuesday and it will be by a huge landslide! Time will tell.

    Happy Halloween to anyone in the US and wherever else it's usually celebrated in some form...

    Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    1. Same in my neighborhood. Most of the parents just had their kids dress up and then they videoed them in their own backyards. Then they just gave them some candy. Maybe after that they all went inside and watched a spooky comedy on Netflicks. This pandemic is changing a lot of the ways we used to do things in the US and I think everyone is fed up with our "new normal". But we better get used to it because I heard one doctor on tv say this might not be over with until sometime in the year 2022.

    2. That's where the saying "once in a blue moon" came from.

    3. More than likely the kids were barred from going out by their cowing liberal parents. In my area of town we had just over 70 kids so business as usual. The key word being business since no democrat knows what a business is or has ever run one - there only way they know how to raise revenue is to raise taxes. What as sad group of individuals, and what a sadder group of individuals continue to vote these clowns back in office.


    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. The latest rumor is that Trump plans on declaring himself the winner of the election tomorrow night BEFORE all of the mail in votes are even counted! That's like a baseball team declaring itself the winner of a game in the eight inning. When all of the votes are finally counted, he's going to look like a bigger fool than usual if he doesn't win as he then tries to sue his way to another term in office. The next week should be one of the most bizarre in American history. If he looses, watch as his most fanatical supporters go on a rampage to vent their anger...all of which he helped put into them. A lot of big stores are covering their windows with plywood sheets to protect them in case all hell breaks loose. The media will be there recording it all for posterity. Get your popcorn and front row seats everyone!

    6. I think Trump is a little confused about something. In the US it is not the President who decides who the voters will is the voters who decide who the President will be. For some strange reason he seems to have gotten that backwards.

  6. I just heard the sad news. Actor Sir Sean Connery, of James Bond 007 movie fame, died yesterday at age 90 in the Bahamas. His widow said he slipped away peacefully in his sleep. He had been battling dementia for several years and didn't want a fuss being made about him. He will be missed...

    1. That is indeed sad news. He was one of my favorite actors. He was in a lot of films after he played 007 in about seven films. Later Bond actors were ok but he was the best imo. He made a very interesting super hero type film back in 2003 called "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" which I would recommend to anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

    2. Connery also made a nice sci-fi film called "Outland" in which he played the new sheriff of a mining colony on one of the moons of Jupiter. Great film, imo.

  7. John, i know we disagree on a few things. I do hope you are as fine with that as i am. To get back on the subject of this blog post.
    You point out that the angles of the white sections fall somewhere between 23 and 27 degrees.
    24 falls between 23 and 27.
    24 x 15 = 360 and 360 = one full revolution of the wheel.
    15 / 2 = 7.5 and 7.5 = "about" 8.
    Therefore, is this drawing showing us that a wheel devided by 15 with a weight hitting the rim at every other point is the answer?
    Are the white sections representing the difference of the weights movement with regard space and the wheel itself.
    The reason there are only 3 white sections shown, is because their evolving progression would mean the whole wheel would end up being white.
    If you add 3 more white sections, they cannot be added central to the existing 3, if you respect the 15 points. They need to be added left or right handed (nearer to one set or the other), when you do this you will find that the pentagon lines up in the exact same manner, but from the opposing angles.

    1. Excellent comment RH, I have no problem with anyone disagreeing with me, and you make a good point. I’ve always tried to point out von Erlach’s lack of certainty about the eight weights and your argument is persuasive. But I must still point out that this was the two-way Kassel wheel with potentially two mirrored systems of weights, although even that is a guess. So about 8 weights could be due to counter rotating mechanisms. So I’m sticking to my belief in 5 mechanisms and am continuing to build my wheel accordingly.


    2. "I have no problem with anyone disagreeing with me..."

      That's only because he's 100% convinced HE'S right and they are all wrong and he's looking forward to proving it so he can show them how much smarter he was than them when it came to finding the secret of Bessler's wheels.

    3. John was 100% convinced he was right with that last one he cooked up until that Wubbly's sim of it quickly eliminated it. Come to think of it we were all 100% sure we were right at some time until some critical test showed us we were just delusional. The tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands!) of other failed pm chasers between Bessler and us who thought they were 100% right eventually realized they also were just delusional.

      So, being convinced that you are 100% right virtually guarantees that you are not. Maybe the best approach is to work on a design you are 100% sure WON'T work?! Maybe that's what it will take to finally find your runner?

      I had a friend that spent a lot of money on software to help him win the lottery. After a while it became obvious to him that the numbers it was picking for him to play weren't winning. His solution? He used the software to predict the upcoming numbers to be drawn in his next lottery and then played all of the numbers the software DIDN'T pick for that drawing! He claimed he was winning a lot more frequently that way!

  8. John,
    I don't think 8 weights is possible, unless 2 sets of 4. I'm more inclined to go with 5, 6 or even maybe 3. with multiples there of.
    8 knocks, is the information we have to go with, this in no way is a garantee of 8 weights or even 8 mechanisms.
    I've never been too keen on the idea of two mechanisms, with one staying out of the way, while the other determines the direction of rotation. I'm more inclined to think he found a way of allowing the progression of the weights to work in both directions.
    A bit like Georg's octagon in the hamster wheel being able to gain a few degrees in which ever direction it is pushed, as opposed to the unidirectional wheel, which is "nudged" in one direction permanently.
    The first wheel being unidirectional and then him being able to make bidirectional and the fact that he said, or implied, that top precision is not needed once the mechanism understood, tells me that mirrored mechs are not needed. Or at least highly unlikely.
    After battling for years to find the answer and finding it with his unidirectional wheel, he was able to understand what movement of weights was needed to create the excess weight. Once this understood, the need to continually "force" the movement was no longer necessary. The path of the weights is mirrored, depending on the direction of the initiel push.
    I'm all for the 5 weights, i just wish you would look into unsticking them from the wheel.
    Good luck all the same,

    1. Thanks again RH, is it Richard or Robin?
      I do actually have plan for my wheel and I think it’s a good’un!


  9. RH46 wrote: "I'm more inclined to think he found a way of allowing the progression of the weights to work in both directions."

    Making a bidirectional wheel using a single movement is not easily done unless one uses the kind of spring powered, gear driven movement Wagner used in his fake pm wheel. Most believe that Bessler simply used two "back to back" one directional wheels inside of the drums of his bidirectional wheels because of the sudden almost doubling of drum thickness when he went from making one directional to making bidirectional wheels.

    If one acknowledges that Bessler did that, then he must figure out how Bessler managed to inactivate whatever one of the drum's two internal one directional wheels was made to undergo retrograde rotation when the drum was pushed in either of its two directions of rotation. That's also something not easily done.

    It's best, imo, to just focus on how he made his one directional wheels work first and leave figuring out how he made his bidirectional ones work for later. If you can't make a one directional wheel, you probably will never make a bidirectional one.

    @John Collins wrote: "I do actually have plan for my wheel and I think it’s a good’un!"

    Whatever you do, DON'T ever let Wubbly over at bwf sim it for you! Lol!

    1. Anon 22.24,
      Most believing something and failing, is actually an argument that most are probably wrong in their reasonning. I got fed up of failures while thinking like most, so i scrapped it all and started from scratch trying to not do anything whatsoever like most and see what i can come up with.
      300 years of having a good idea of how the thing works, yet nobody actually managing to do it, certainly puts doubt on how the thing supposedly works in my view.
      Forgive me for not going with the flow, it's just that i have this funny feeling that the flow isn't taking us in the right direction.
      I think you are right that one must focus on a one way wheel, my point was, once the one way wheel is discovered the two way wheel will be a piece of cake. just my opinion, obviously.

    2. Thinking "outside the box" is a good approach, but don't forget what Bessler wrote on pages 366 to 367 of AP about how he found his runner:

      "All the wise ones were looking for the same principle (of 'excess weight') that I have described, and they sought it in things that were already familiar to them...They sought to bring a wheel into a state of motion, such that, without the need for winding, its innate virtue would keep it revolving as long as its materials might all intelligent people, who, with true understanding, have sought the Mobile in a place no different from that in which I eventually found it."

      Yes, think outside of the box...but don't get too far outside of it or you might get permanently lost!

  10. Richard, Robin or Reginald, as long as it starts with an "R" it's near enough for me. Was it not king Richard who was Robinhood's arche enemi, or is my memory playing up?
    I've given up keeping the good'uns to myself, none of the good'uns for 300 years have actually worked, so in all honesty we know the most likely outcome of our own is failure. Ideas may be illimited but time isn't and none of us are getting any younger.
    Your thoughts of why your last try was going to be a runner, are worth far more than the end result that wasn't.

    1. Actually Robin Hood was opposed by Prince John who was usurping the rightful but absent King Richard. Richard had been imprisoned as he was returning from one of the Crusades by Duke Leopold of Austria. Leopold then handed him over to the German emperor Henry VI who demanded 150,000 marks as ransom for his release and that was a LOT of money back then, but it was eventually paid.


    2. That's probably where we get that expression that some item cost "a king's ransom" meaning it was very expensive.

  11. You will find this hard to believe...

    Most innovative actions occur when the weights are at the 12 O clock position... Speed is enhanced... All actions happen fast... BW gets the reqd boost... All this happens in every revolution... And this will go on till the materials last and the arrangement remains intact... A marvellous action or movement you can say...

    Let us NOT pre-discuss about the number of mechanisms or whether it is one or a two directional wheel... Let us not indulge in trying to figure out secret codes for there aren't any... Let us just concentrate on finding out what that mechanism really is... That Bessler was trying to protect... That which Karl was shown under oath... That which literally make weights fly... That which is responsible for creating the magical movement...
    That which has been evading us for more than 300 years...

    Maybe we should be the ones to be blamed for this great delay...we are either thinking about it the wrong way and further misguiding others as well or are just ignoring valuable hints being provided by other anons as in above few recent comments... We need a hell a lot of patience and also an open mind... Lots and lots of passion...

    Since things happen very fast inside We really can't say that the descending weights are totally responsible for lifting the ascending ones... We also can't be sure that it is gravity alone solely the energy source... There are other factors involved to... Bessler conceived this unique idea where the wheel rotates fast due to a harmonious blend of different phenomena... Gravity is just one such cause...

    Finally, I would just request you all to rever one another while we carry out this quest for the sake of welfare of humanity in general and self gain in particular... My humble suggestion or personal opinion is that we should discard most of the ideas discussed here so far and attempt anew... Simming won't help... The bright idea has to take place in mind... Remember that there is only one mechanism or that unique design that can work against gravity's ill-effects...

    Good day...

    1. Suresh wrote "Let us just concentrate on finding out what that mechanism really is...Maybe we should be the ones to be blamed for this great delay...We also can't be sure that it is gravity alone solely the energy source...we should discard most of the ideas discussed here so far and attempt anew... "

      Wait a second, Suresh! Now you're sounding like you DON'T know how Bessler's wheels worked! We all thought you had it all figured out years ago based on your previous comments here. What happened? Did you suddenly forget how his wheels worked?

    2. Anon 05:14!!! You should be ASHAMED of yourself for even suggesting that Suresh does not know how Bessler's wheels worked. He's known the secret for decades now and could easily tell us what it is IF he chose to do so. But, he doesn't do that because he wants us to use the clever hints he provides us with to find the secret for ourselves.

      That struggle will help strengthen our weak minds so we will then finally achieve his higher level of awareness. I for one am glad he hasn't just given everyone the secret on a silver platter. If he did that then we wouldn't appreciate it as much as if we had to find it for ourselves. Everyone here has to realize that if any one of us actually ever does stumble upon Bessler's secret some day, then it will really be due to Suresh's kind guidance over the years!

    3. Lol! Anon 11:22 you must be smoking some REALLY potent weed!

    4. I don't find it "hard" to believe at all. I don't believe it "at all".

    5. Suresh reminds me of some fat, out of shape, alcoholic, cigar puffing coach giving his football team a pep talk in the locker room during a game's half time. He points out everything they are doing wrong and tells them how they have to play to win the game. He says he's embarrassed because their poor performance on the field has let him down. He tells them that if he was playing with them, they would be far ahead in the score.

      The problem is that the coach never actually played any football himself and if he tried to for even a minute he'd just keel over dead from a heart attack. The lesson from all of this is that talk is cheap. Action however is not cheap and it is what separates the doer's from the talker's in this world. Doer's actually make changes in the world and get things done. Talker's just put out a lot of hot air that only contributes to Climate Change.

  12. I haven't forgotten anything... I have it totally solved in my mind... The suggestions are for others who are on the wrong path... Just a few hints and guidelines... You are good at spotting or misunderstanding negative facts... You are ignoring the secret hints offered by me...

    1. I rarely agree with Suresh, but his comment, “ The bright idea has to take place in mind...” is correct. However the statement before that, “simming won’t help...” is demonstrably wrong! But I do think the idea has to spontaneously reveal itself in the mind before you sim it, and I still prefer to build before I have it checked out with a sim. Other wise the lack of a build removes the opportunity for the lightbulb moment which can be inspired by studying the build.


    2. I think my lightbulb burned out a couple of years ago. Anybody got an extra they can spare?,f_auto,h_1600,w_1600/v1482283188/user-829879/profile/krvu1eqaziq58sqnbpbz.gif

    3. Suresh you are a legend in your own mind.

    4. SK wrote "I have it totally solved in my mind..."

      You and a thousand other guys have "totally solved it" in their minds. Then IF any of them actually gets around to building or simming his mental picture of his wheel he quickly realizes how TOTALLY wrong his mind was! What you see in your mind means NOTHING unless you can turn it into a runner or at a bare minimum a working sim that might become a runner someday. Talking about it endlessly won't change that harsh reality.

  13. Tell me sir, why at all we should opt for simming... When the secret mechanism is absolutely simple and unique... Once the core Idea is realised in mind all that's reqd further is assembly... Now, that should make it clear how really simple it is...

    Only levers and weights... Artful design... The arrangement is unique... They sort of engage in a play... Constantly... The wheel remains unbalanced...
    imho... Simming is reqd to verify or confirm if a particular design would work as desired... But what when you hit upon that unique arrangement?... I am repeatedly telling the same thing often and often... Because I went through this stage after a lot of mental simming... Yes what you need is mental simming... Simple things don't really need complicated they?...

    We have an habit of complicating things... I don't know how else to convince... I am not that good at English...being of Asiatic origin that is...

    One is clear... Bessler was damn worried... He used some sort of cover to protect the wheel's inner mechanism from prying eyes... Yes... One look can give it all away...
    We need to focus how a lever-weight system can perform such a grand dance, if I may call it that... A synchronised movement... One after another... The weight leaps into a swing... And, starts performing such an act, which is repeated in rotation after rotation... It is same act always... No changes... This can go on till materials lasts or breaks due to fatigue... Normal wear and tare...

    1. "Only levers and weights... Artful design... The arrangement is unique... They sort of engage in a play... Constantly... The wheel remains unbalanced..."

      Whether you realize it or not, SK, you just described Ken B's wheel!

  14. SK wrote "Most innovative actions occur when the weights are at the 12 O clock position... All actions happen fast...

    Speed is enhanced...

    BW gets the reqd boost...

    Let us just concentrate on finding out what that mechanism really is...

    That which literally make weights fly..."

    I wonder what could cause the velocity boost that SK sees in his mind ;)

    It happens at 12 o'cl, the highest point on the wheel.

    Wait, maybe it's a horizontal winglet that lifts the weight to a higher radius giving it greater GPE. And then it falls a greater distance than at the lower radius arriving at bdc with greater velocity and impetus than gravity alone could impart?

    That just doesn't sound easy to understand in 1712 and simple to build.

  15. SK - mental simming is notoriously unreliable.

    Just ask the mechanically talented people who actually build their ideas. For you more so.

  16. Hello John, On the Merseburg wheel, ( 1715) I see in Das Triumph page 239 the ear witness says " a single one of the weights.....BEGAN to fall" What is your present interpretation of this? Another sound like sliding or scratching before the gentle bump ? Thanks!

    1. Hi Richard. To me it’s the sound of a weight falling, but is it landing or is it the sound it makes as it moves? I don’t honestly know, but I think it has to be the sound as it landed. I’m not sure the sound as it began to fall, ie. move, could be detected and ascribed to the movement of the weight. I think the writer was assuming that the sound of the weight landing obviously indicated that it had fallen just previously thus beginning the rotation of the wheel.


    2. @Raford

      I also think that sound happened after a single weight fell a short distance and hit its stop. But, if the levers inside of the wheel were connected together by ropes, then it was not just one weight that moved and hit its stop. There could have been several levers trailing it that suddenly all shifted over closer to their stops (but did not hit them yet) and that then caused the CoG of the whole wheel to quickly move to one side of the axle. Once that happened the drum began to turn by itself. Everyone focuses on just one weight "dropping" but I see it as the shifting of several weights and their levers at the same time. People talking about only one weight dropping are thinking too simplistically imo.


  17. Unknown 22:35 asked John : "Ideas may be unlimited but time isn't and none of us are getting any younger. Your thoughts of why your last try was going to be a runner, are worth far more than the end result that wasn't. RH46"

    1. I know why my last try didn’t work, but I know why I thought it would work. Now I know more than I did before.


    2. Imo, John's last try failed because, like many, he latched onto certain angles and symbols in the Bessler wheel drawings that he thought contained the secret of his wheels. They obviously didn't or Wubbly's sim would have been a runner or at least looked like it might be a runner with some tweeking.

      All of Bessler's wheel drawings kind of act like those inkblot tests that the psychologists use to try to measure a patient's thought disorders and identify what kind of mental illness he may have. The patterns are really completely random, but a patient will "see" different things in them depending on what kinds of images are floating around in his unconscious mind.

      For the Bessler pm wheel chaser the different parts and angles in the wheel drawings are interpreted based on the person's prior technical training and life and work experiences but he's not consciously aware of that. Soon he's starting to see what look like relationships between the parts and angles. He makes a few sketches based on that and, sure enough, more of the parts and angles in Bessler's wheel drawing seem to fit in with it. Before too long the person has a design for a complete wheel which he is close to 100% sure MUST be the same one Bessler found.

      I think a lot of victims of this bizarre psychological effect do nothing with their conclusion except go online and spend years hinting to others that they "know" the secret of Bessler's wheels and they are truly convinced that they do. A small percentage of them will actually try to build a working model based on the design that they are sure must be Bessler's. When it does not work, they then have two choices.

      They can say it would work IF it was made more accurately and then give up. Or they can redo it with a more accurate build. When that improved version does not work they scurry back to the drawings and, sure enough, see some more clues that they missed the first time! That starts the cycle anew. This can actually go on for years, decades, and maybe even the rest of a person's life.

      The only real escape from this hell is to either quit the chase permanently or start simming so he can eliminate the nonrunners as soon as possible. That leads to the quicker reinterpretation of clues or dismissal of them as actually being clues. If this is done long enough and if Bessler actually had genuine pm wheels which seems certain, then it should eventually lead the person to the exact design Bessler had assuming that he actually did put any clues about it in his drawings.
      However we really don't know for a fact that he did leave clues in his drawings. That's only an assumption everyone makes. We may all actually be chasing after a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow that can never be found because it does not really exist.

      I think that if the secret of Bessler's wheels is not found maybe in the next decade then that will mark the end of continuing interest in trying to find it. Pm chasers will still be trying to make pm machines but they won't be the ones Bessler was making. Bessler will just be another person in history who claimed to have a working pm machine and may always have a handful of believers but who will be dismissed by most of the world as just a clever hoaxer. That will be a sad ending to the Bessler story.

  18. Simmers are grinners. Cover ground quickly, learn from your mistakes and then churn on to the next one. And don't forget them for the next build.

    It would be foolish to rely on everything Bessler wrote and drew as verbatim, and assume it was always about his PM wheels. There is a thread of truth woven thru it all but like a politician he is a master of saying much while saying very little. Use your own experience and intuition to unwind the thread and hopefully lead you to success. Whatever he did mechanically was quite unique but at the same time had the impression of close similarities to common garden run-o-the-mill varieties of OB wheels, imo.

    If you sim enough you may find out, or give yourself a chance of finding out.


    1. "It would be foolish to rely on everything Bessler wrote and drew as verbatim, and assume it was always about his PM wheels."

      100% in agreement on that because the translations we have could vary a lot depending on who's doing a translation. But it's amazing how many do take everything literally or did since I think that trend is coming to an end. Bessler's works are a combination of poetry, mysticism, numerology, theology, and mechanics all stirred together. Only the mechanics part will allow us to reproduce his wheels and what's there of it tends to be vague at best just as he intended it to be.

      Years ago there was some artist guy over in England who became obsessed with the verses in AP's "little book" chapter. He made these rather large complicated mechanisms based on the poem's verses that would extend a small weight farther from the mechanism's pivot on one side as a heavier weight on the other side moved a shorter distance from it. IIRC he had a studio or shop that he had filled with these mechanisms that he had hung from the ceiling. All of the mechanisms were different from each other in some way. He must have kept changing them based on his differing interpretations of the AP poem's various verses over several years.

      But he needed to make at least two identical of these mechanisms to see if, once mounted on a common axle, they could keep their combined CoG on one side of the axle, but he never did that for some reason. I often wonder what became of him and all of those mechanisms he built. They were finely crafted from wood and must have taken dozens of hours each to plan and construct. Maybe he eventually managed to sell them off as objects of art?

    2. I know who you mean, an 05.43. The mechanisms were beautifully made and attractive to look at, but as far as I know nothing came of his efforts, but the artistry of each of them was outstanding.


    3. I think maybe if I had encountered sims at a younger age I might have become more convinced of their efficacy, but I’ve come to the conclusion that simming is one new trick that this old dog can’t be taught! So I continue to build, but thanks for the advice.


    4. @anon 05:43 and John.

      I went back to the beginning of the blogs here until I found him! His name was John Worton and he was an artist from Cornwall, UK. He joined this blog in August of 2011 and made occasional comments in the months after that.

      I also found out that someone made a nice little documentary of his search for Bessler pm titled "Transforming Gravity". You can view it on vimeo at:

      He mentions how his search was motivated by John's first book on Bessler, "Perpetual Motion: An Ancient Mystery Solved?", which a friend had sent to him. Some of the many "sculptures" he made are shown in the video and Worton says it was the lines in the little book poem that first inspired his designs. He also credits the drawings in MT which he obtained as soon as it was available.

      I wonder if he's still alive and also what happened to all of his pm sculptures?

      Bessler Curious

    5. I wrote to John back in August of this year, and he replied,

      “ Good to hear from you.

      I am still working on the gravity wheel, building mechanisms in my workshop. I haven't written anything, done any film making or worked on my website for a very long time now. The piece you refer to was written in 2014, seven years ago already!

      Some of the script I sent you did get used four years ago in a second film about me and my Bessler work.

      Google 'Transforming Gravity' it comes up top of page one. Let know what you think of it!”


    6. I found this interesting house tour done of Worton's home. He painted his various pm "sculptures" different colors and uses them to decorate his home. Apparently they like to paint all of their walls white. They mention John's Collins' book here and how it inspired Worton to make his sculptures.

      Bessler Curious

  19. This endless talk of Ken is not going to help us in any way... Just the way his book on BW and that simulated YouTube drawing are... There's just no logic in his non-stop comments... We are where we where... No much help... It just helps to get this blog going... But no progress... He just condemns anyone who is trying to give innovative explanation... So that he remains here to hold us in his sway...

    The need of the hour is seriousness in pursuing the BW mystery... With some real innovational guidance... Any good idea that can throw some light on the inner mechanism is greatly welcome at this point... Ken has a nasty way of suppressing anyone who opposes his ideas... He plays a cowardly act in anonymous viel... This needs to be stopped immediately... This is not a sign of a good Bessler fan...

    He recommends simming often...he never seems to understand the simplicity and uniqueness of BW mechanism that could be worked out only mentally... It comes as a flash after a lot of mental racking... And once that idea appears it would become very clear as the design matches with some prominent clues in the poem...

    Ken can never get this simple point into his head... He will continue to indulge nin his nasty games as usual... He is a total failure... Visibly... He can never succeed in his great endeavour...

    It is just not the number of weights and levers that matter in the beginning... It is the great understanding that only a particular design of the lever-weight combination can work well by fighting the negative effects of gravity that really matters...

    We talk of ropes and pulleys... Of codes and symbols... Of CoG etc, etc but never the designing part which is in actual extremely crucial...

    On one side the weights are in great gravity advantage and not so on the ascending side...
    What are the factors that can aid in the climb... Here is the actual point where Bessler innovation comes in action... We need to be focussing at this region and not indulge in leg pulling in anonymous guise...

    And this can be achieved only through intense and passionate mental means and definitely not by simming... In the first place we should be aware of what to really sim... Otherwise, we will always be only simming ever and ever...

    Let's indulge in serious innovative discussions only without wasting valuable time and talent on various unnecessary topics...

    Good night...

    1. Well said Suresh, the link to John Worton reveals a message from Ken re his wheel, another attempt to promote his book. Bye bye Bessler Curious,


    2. Ken has a long history of building and sharing ideas. He created a SIM on what he thinks is a runner and shared it with the world. We don't need to be lectured by you on what will or will not work, especially since you neither build nor SIM or share.

    3. Don’t feel you have to stay anon 18.06, whoever you are.


    4. John, what's the idea of deleting my last comment here? Was it because I decided to finally point out how Suresh does nothing more here than put down you, Ken B, and everyone else every chance he gets? A lot of people here are really tired of his constantly playing the role of an all knowing guru and preaching to them all of the time about how they don't know what they are doing. Why are you not deleting his annoying nonsense?

      Bessler Curious

    5. I said I would delete anything from KB, or anything promoting his book. I don’t know for sure but I suspect you are KB.


    6. No I am not Ken B and I was not trying to promote his book with that link to the Worton home tour. In fact his book is not even mentioned in that link. I found those links to Worton to try to give the earlier poster and others some more information about him. But I do find it interesting that Ken was trying to make sure Worton was aware of that design he found. I don't think he would have made that effort if he was not highly confident about it. Maybe he learned of Worton's struggle to make a runner and decided he could help him with the design he found? If Worton has seen it then I wonder what his reaction to it was? For all we know Worton might be building it right now!

      Bessler Curious

    7. Don't take it personally BC. John has occaisional bouts of KDS or Ken Derangement Syndrome when he becomes convinced any new poster here who can write a readable sentence must be a KenB sock puppet. If he even mentions Ken, his wheel, or his book that then proves it to John beyond all doubt. Be patient and it will eventually pass like a mild case of flu.

    8. Bessler Curious, I apologise for deleting your comment, it is something I rarely do. I tend to think anyone who seems to be supporting Ken’s work has to be him promoting his book. Clearly you are not him, but I can’t undelete your comment in this case as I removed it forever. In future I won’t choose the ‘forever’ option just in case I need to reinstate it.


  20. Ken... Again, you are not getting the point...
    Secrets are hard earned... You shouldn't ask anyone directly to provide such BW secrets... That would be utterly ridiculous and silly...
    BW secret is extremely simple to grab... Hence, only mild indirect hints should be provided to ensure the inventor's safety...

    It is very clear to everyone that you are here to only promote your book... And, you will try your very best to knock out anyone who obstructs this...
    If you think you really have BW secret then please give indirect hints that can really shed some light on the mystery... But tell us again about your book and YouTube drawing...
    There's nothing in there for us... mostly, you are becoming a laughing stock... Initially, I thought you are innocent and a genius but now I am beginning to think otherwise... Sorry about it...

    Let me explain again... BW secret design is very unique... Normal beings can't conceive it rightly in their minds hence the 300 years delay... Well, it is not going to be so this time... What we need is a different approach and solution... People have already dismissed your claims and the book but still shamelessly you keep insisting... There's nothing new or novel in your claims... Same old rut... Again and again...

    We all agree that Bessler was honest and so was Karl... BW mystery is real and not a hoax... It is only that our interpretation and understanding of the same is wrong... BW hasn't provided us with direct hints of the secret... But indirect ones... You will actually need a Bessler mentality to comprehend the same... Most people here don't actually think this way... If they had they would be proudly holding the real secret and giving us good hints...

    A radical change is the need of the hour...

    Good day...

    1. "You shouldn't ask anyone directly to provide such BW secrets... That would be utterly ridiculous and silly..."

      Lol! Yes you are 100% correct Suresh. Asking YOU directly to provide the secret of Bessler's wheels would be "utterly ridiculous and silly" since you don't have it and never did! As for Ken B. and his design I don't know if he's found Bessler's secret design or not. But I do know he's not playing guessing games with everyone. He's revealed all he knows so there will be nothing hidden from anyone and so has John recently even though his design unfortunately turned out to be a nonrunner. YOU cannot make a similar claim and, imo, never will.

    2. Bonjour,
      Je ne pense pas que mes post sur mon assemblage MT jouets vous aient interpelés et pourtant c'est une vision différente.
      Joel Boniface

    3. Joel wrote, “Hello,
      I don't think my posts on my MT toy assembly appealed to you and yet it's a different take.
      Joel boniface”

      Sorry Joel, I’ll take look at what you wrote if I can find it. When did you comment?


    4. On 14 October 2020 at 09:25 Joel wrote, in French:

      "The blacksmiths and miners ride the dragon for their work, at the end of their working day they go to rest and the dragon returns to its lair.

      The dragon carries the eternal flame within him.

      God is the Alpha who runs the wheel. Such is my assembly.

      Joel Boniface"

      Is that supposed to be something you discovered in the Toys Page, Joel?

    5. Yes!
      j'ai combiné l'ensemble des éléments de la page jouets.
      le pantographe comme mouvement exponentiel du poids satellite,
      les mineurs et forgerons comme mouvement alternatif de déclanchement du système, et l'indice A (échelle de Jacob) comme indication de trajectoire du mécanisme.
      J'ai construit la roue, j'attend la livraison des poids par voie postale pour finaliser le montage.


    6. Translating all that into English gives:


      I combined all the elements of the toys page.

      The pantograph as exponential movement of the satellite weight,
      miners and blacksmiths as the reciprocating triggering movement of the system, and the A index (Jacob's scale) as an indication of the mechanism's trajectory.

      I built the wheel, I am waiting for the delivery of the weights by post to finalize the assembly.


      Any chance of you providing a drawing so we can better understand the mechanism you are describing? John would most likely be willing to post it here for you.

    7. Suresh said
      "...Normal beings can't conceive it rightly in their minds..."

      We always knew there was something NOT normal about you Suresh.

    8. Yes Suresh is not normal. He's FAR ABOVE normal because of his knowledge of Bessler's wheels. I have been collecting his pearls of wisdom here for years now and imo he should have his own blog instead of wasting his time here casting his pearls before swine as the Bible warns against doing. He's way too intelligent and knowledgeable to be here. I'm sure that both John, Ken, and most others here know that and that's why they keep mocking him. But when his hints lead to a working Bessler wheel it will be Suresh who will get the last laugh on those pathetic losers!

    9. Don't be too jealous Ken... Every bit of useful info on Bessler mystery should be greatly welcomed... That's what this blog is basically meant to favour... Bessler mystery is too sophisticated for a lone guy like you to handle... You are totally biased and introverted... You don't listen to JC sir... You were declared as a mental case by Yellow sir... Nothing seem to affect you... Man can control Covid virus but not you... There's no anti-ken virus available... Once you infect it remains ever infected... You take different forms...

      By deleting valuable and promising comments the very possibility of any chance of solving the BW mystery will get lost... Can we really afford this?...
      I am not like you... I never use anon caption while posting comments... never once I did it.. I only state what I believe is true... I mean no business mind involved here... My only mistake is I am sometimes very patronizing and narcissistic in nature and too outspoken... I admit this honestly... but I truly love this blog and JC sir's efforts... I will never try to defame it... will never misguide anyone... I am sorry about my shortcomings... I feel we are mostly wasting our valuable time and talent and sometimes go off the course... still the final conclusion about the energy source of BW remains in doubt... even I am not too sure about it... Because things happen very fast inside... There's a core design... Which is still evading everyone... Like in the motorworld automobile engine... A cylinder-piston combination is the core to burn fuel and to further provide that motive force... Similarly, the BW also has a core principle to release energy from gravity... Until this is found no progress is possible...
      Take my word Ken this is not even remotely visible in your YouTube video of the BW simulation...

      Let me explain further... For instance take the case of an electric motor... It has coil wound on an armature which acts in the presence of a magnet or iron core to rotate when current is passed... This is the basic in an electric motor... BW too needs such a unique and basic structure to perform... We have no idea of it yet, do we?...

      Pulleys, ropes, cogs, simming, number of weights, wheel size, load, thickness of wheel,,,etc...Come later... The basic movement of the core Idea needs to be found first...

      Like the piston-cylinder combination there is that lever-weight combo...

      Yes, by studying all the drawings we can find a movement... Let us find it... Let us stop quarrelling...

      Good day...

    10. "I am sorry about my shortcomings..."

      Why are YOU apologizing to everyone here, Suresh? It should be THEM that are apologizing to you for doubting your knowledge of Bessler's wheels! Imo you are the greatest thinker who ever posted on this blog and anyone putting you down is only jealous of that. They are a pitiful bunch without humility or gratitude.

    11. Sk write "Bessler mystery is too sophisticated for a lone guy like you to handle". Oh yeah? Ken got wheel with working sim. What you got? Just lot of bs and hot air. Ken is winner!

  21. Yes SK - it is called the prime mover. It makes everything else asymmetric and self rotating.

  22. Update: This is a historic day in the US. Our big election was last Tuesday and the first candidate for US President, either Biden or Trump, to win 270 state electoral votes becomes the next president. Trump was 100% convinced that he couldn't possibly lose and that his devoted supporters would help him easily win reelection.

    Right now Biden has 264 of those state electoral votes and Trump only has 216. That was not supposed to happen! They are still counting the millions of remaining mail in ballots from about 100 million Americans who decided not to stand in line at polling stations, maybe for hours, to vote and risk COVID-19 infections. It's now come down to the states of Pennsylvania and Georgia. At the beginning of the day Trump had comfortable leads in both states. But it turns out that those late counted mail in votes are mostly for Biden! Trump's leads in both states are shrinking by about 10,000 votes per hour. It's starting to look like we will be about 99% sure later today, Friday, that Biden WILL be the next US President.

    Trump's lawyers are desperately trying to stop any further counting of votes. He made a brief tv appearance and said the whole thing is rigged and there are many fraudulent votes involved, but there is still no proof of that. He wants the whole vote counting process shut down and HIS own people to go in and do the counting to make sure it's honest. It's highly unlikely that the courts are going to let that happen.

    Trump has been very quiet since his brief tv appearance. His lawyers have apparently advised him to shut up or he might mess us their desperate attempts to get court orders to shut everything down. Even Trump occasionally listens to others especially when this ego trip is depending on it.

    Meanwhile Biden made a brief tv appearance and says that he expects to shortly be declared the next president! Trump's past derogatory nickname for Biden was "Sleepy Joe". I think by the end of today his new nickname for him will have to be "President Elect Sleepy Joe"!

    I mentioned in my previous comment in this blog that I thought that the Halloween blue moon last Saturday, October 31st was an omen that the Democrats, whose party color is blue, would win and by a landslide. It's starting to look like that will happen. That's why I believe in omens!

    Watching Trump's continuing antics in the coming months until Biden is sworn in as the new president on January 20th of next year should be interesting to watch. I expect him to demonstrate what a really sore loser he is. I'm still predicting he will resign and let VP Pence take over in exchange for a quick presidential pardon for any and all crimes he MAY have committed while president of the US. There's even some talk that he'll try to get himself reelected after Biden's four year term is over with in. But I doubt that will happen. If Trump goes up against Biden or anyone else then he will be doing so as an impeached and failed one term ex-US President. I think most Americans have seen enough of his circus act for the last four years and don't ever want to see it again. A lot of Republican party politicians that he controlled with his fear tactics will also be glad to see him gone although party loyalty keeps them from admitting it publicly.

    The news media has been focused 24 hours a day on the election and the COVID-19 disaster in the US has been mostly overlooked. Right now we have over 240,000 dead from the virus. The estimate that we will have another 200,000 dead added to that by the beginning of next year has not changed. This will be considered one of the greatest tragedies in US history. The idea of any president presiding over something like that and expecting to get reelected is really totally absurd when you think about it.

    Anonymous and PROUD of it!


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...