A blog about Johann Bessler and the Orffyreus Code and my efforts to decipher it. I'll comment on things connected with it and anything I think might be of interest to anyone else.
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Saturday, 8 April 2023
The Legend of Johann Bessler’s Perpetual Motion Machine.
Sunday, 2 April 2023
Ink Blots - Clues - Deliberate or Accidental?
It’s my opinion that too much importance is being placed on simple printing errors. These ink spots are leading to wild speculation and I don’t think it has anything to do with Bessler’s intentions. However seeing as people wish to discuss them and their validity, I’m willing to leave the comments public.
The same applies to the numerology comments. But any comparison with Ken’s work will still receive the spam label.
I shall continue to dismiss inkblots and numerology as having any meaning here, but we’ll see how things go. I’m not afraid to consider a well-argued comment in favour of either, but I’m sceptical of my acceptance of either.
The comments on this blog are covering what appears to be subtle clues in the ink block prints. I don’t think they are deliberate, I’m sure they are accidental. What follows is part of an article on ink block printing by a teacher of the subject. Thanks to https://www.recoverie.com/blog/block-printing-mistakes
This is by FAR the most common block printing mistake I see people making, and really, it's the most unfortunate.
...because the fact is, the amount of ink you use will drastically change the end result of your block prints.
In order to attempt to remedy this, I decided to break down a few of the most common block printing mistakes I see people making when it comes to block printing.
This is by FAR the most common block printing mistake I see people making, and really, it's the most unfortunate.
When you take the time to design and carve out such an intricate pattern, it's weird to think that people treat the ink side of things as such an afterthought...
...because the fact is, the amount of ink you use will drastically change the end result of your block prints.”
I haven’t included the rest of the article because it covers more modern practices, but it does suggest that what some people believe there are deliberate clues which are in fact simply over inking of the wood block.
As I commented in my previous blog,
“ That is just a typical ink block printing error, a little too much ink in one area and you get a blot. These prints that Bessler left us were designed to be used with his students, and the actual wood ink blocks were kept so he could print some for every new class. So the paper prints were kept for his own purposes, showing what each ink block depicted so he could easily see which one he wished to use. A minor print error such as the so-called severed head is just that, nothing more, no hidden meaning, no secret warning. Obviously he would print better copies for his future students.”
Unfortunately the trolls and naysayers have, by their abusive comments, persuaded me to remove the anonymous comments feature. I shall continue to post this blog up to and including the period when I publish my information about Bessler’s wheel. I’m sorry for those who enjoyed commenting, I shall miss them.
Wednesday, 22 March 2023
Numerology - Art or Science?
Sunday, 12 March 2023
The Legend of Johann Bessler’s Perpetual Motion Machine
On 6th June, 1712, in Germany, Johann Bessler (also known by his pseudonym, Orffyreus) announced that after many years of failure, he had succeeded in designing and building a perpetual motion machine. For more than fourteen years he exhibited his machine and allowed people to thoroughly examine the outside of it, but it’s internal workings were kept hidden. This was because the inventor feared that his design would be copied and someone else might obtain credit for all his years of hard work looking for the solution. He followed the advice from the famous scientist, Gottfried Leibniz, who was able to examine the device, and recommended a number of demonstrations and tests designed to prove the validity of his machine without giving away the secret of its design.
Update - Where Next? A Sim? A Book?
I was getting ready to share more information but I have decided to hold back a bit longer until a sim has been successfully completed.
The reason for this decision lies in the total lack of any sensible critical response to what I’ve posted. My posts contain information which will lead to a successful working wheel and I’m confident that either myself or some other will succeed using the information I’ve supplied so far. The important information which I will share once the sim has been tested includes the prime mover without which the wheel would quickly come to a stop.
I know that my belief that Bessler’s wheel requires five, seven or nine mechanisms to work, is dismissed, but seeing as an even number of mechanisms has so far completely failed to lead to success, maybe it’s time someone looked at a mechanical arrangement combining an odd number of mechanisms in which two adjacent mechanisms work together to achieve what no other configuration has - other than Johann Bessler’s
I’m constantly amazed that despite the ubiquity of Bessler’s references to the number 5 and 55, including changing his name to accommodate the number, that the importance of this number is dismissed, ignored or just overlooked.
I shouldn’t have assumed that people would accept my interpretation of the clues without the full background. This allowed the clues I found and interpreted correctly to be dismissed, discounted and unproven. I was trying to save space and avoid long pages of texts and numerous illustrations, but as someone commented, it was wrong to think I should complete and publish a book explaining everything, as well as explaining it all in a blog - and if possible build a working model too.
Ken took the book route but failed to persuade anyone of the truth of his clues and interpretations; I don’t want to follow in his footsteps by producing a book with no evidence that it is correct, so a sim and a working wheel will follow as soon as possible.
I will just say this once more: when you see the explanation I’m certain you will understand immediately how and why it works - and why I’m so confident.
In the meantime I will continue to post this blog with a mixture of details of my progress, details of Bessler’s books and reminders of my clues which have the correct interpretations.
Friday, 3 March 2023
Sharing Information - Part One
1) As planned I’m sharing information both here and on the Besslerwheel.com forum Besslerwheel forum . So here is the first part. All of the clues originate from the drawings and text in Grundlicher Bericht, Apologia Poetica, Das Triumphirende and Maschinen Tractate. I will try to keep the details brief and to the point so I won’t be showing where and how I obtained the answers but you can probably work out some of them.
I have always thought that there were two hard facts established about the internal workings of Bessler's wheel and one of them was that there were five mechanisms. The other was that the weights worked in pairs. All else is open to conjecture. But one certainty is that Bessler thought that this piece of information was extremely important and even encoded it in his name right from the moment he adopted the pseudonym, Orffyreus.
I’m well aware that many people dismiss my belief that Bessler used five mechanisms in his wheel but in fact I would go further than that and state that he designed wheels which all had an odd number of mechanism. In [i]Maschinen Tractate (MT)[/i] he suggested this with the following number system, see below:-
He identifies the odd numbers as you see by placing a ‘Z’ next to the odd numbers to provide a clue. There are other clues offering the same information that he used 5, 7 and 9 mechanisms.
The plethora of references to the number five also include a number of pointers to the pentagram. The geometric figure is embedded in many drawings and I’ll show one below. Bessler was familiar with the books by Euclid and in this case he referred to Euclid’s 11th proposition, which ran thus::-
“To inscribe an equilateral and equiangular pentagon in a given circle….”
….and his alternative method, and note how the red and blue lines are designed to skim the edges of the two inner circles. Finally the white angles are 24 degrees. 24 x 3 = 72, 5 x 72 = 360.
JEEB using the Caesar shift becomes WRRO. R is the 18th letter. W 23rd letter which may only be there for the following reason, W is composed of two Roman numerals, V meaning 5.
He often, (dozens of times) hand wrote the letter W as shown below, as two Roman numerals linked together, and you can see it twice in the accompanying passage. They are linked to point to them as pairing, but not in the same 5th segment of the wheel.
Bessler used any opportunity to put a veiled reference to these numbers. I should also point out that the 2G’s, refers to his enemy in chief Andreas Gärtner. The 2 W’s refers to another enemy, Christian Wagner, the two B’s refer to the third enemy, Johann Gottfried Borlach.
First there are the four numbers added to the bottom left corner - 138, 139, 140 and 141. Was Bessler trying to reach the number 141 to get the only factors. 3 x 47, which might link to the three images on MT47?
Was he pointing to Euclid’s 47th construction i.e, “in any right triangle, the square of the two sides connected to the right angle is equal to the square of the third side called the hypotenuse?” Also known as the 3-4-5 right angle?
Or was it the total of 558? 558 seems meaningless unless you simply add them together to get 18. 18 being the basic number upon which all the others are multiples of, in the pentagram, thus number 5 again.
Secondly there is the carefully drawn number 5. placed near to the comment about children’s games. The fact that it has full stop or period with it means it’s a standalone clue or hint, it doesn’t really relate to the number of children’s games. This is also linked to the pentagram.
Thirdly the figures in the Toys page can be divided by 5, see the image below.
Bessler says (paraphrased) that the weights work in pairs. That means one weight from each of two adjoining segments work together, but only when they are at the lowest point in rotation. This will be shown to be part of Bessler’s “connectedness principle”, but there is more to know about that.
The reason for the inclusion of figures C and D is that they form a pair at each advance in rotation of one fifth. When C falls, it pulls D back up a little.
The second figure D, has no arms so although it has weights i.e. an axe, it cannot move of itself, because it has already fallen - so has to be moved by another similar figure, i.e. figure C. Note that figure D has spirals around its body, this is to show that it lies at a different angle to figure C, because it is in the adjacent 5th segment. There is a length of cord running between each of the figures in A, when the active figure C, falls, he pulls the inactive fallen figure D upwards towards its former position.
One of Bessler’s asides includes the following:- a great craftsman would be he who, as one pound falls a quarter, causes four pounds to shoot upwards four quarters.”
Sunday, 5 February 2023
It’s My Birthday - 78 today!
I decided that when I was 78, I would begin to share what information I have acquired over the years, that I haven’t published before. So today I’m 78 and ready to publish the same details both here and on the BW forum. It will be brief and to the point, and I may not show where all the clues came from, but I can tell you that all the clues I found came from GB, AP, DT and the Toys Page in MT. None came from Bessler’s portraits, which means that my information probably doesn’t relate to any of Ken’s, and when you see them you will understand why I have been so dismissive of his work.
It has been 63 years at least since I first met Johann Bessler. Then I was no more than about 15 years of age and I read and reread the account by Rupert T. Gould in his compendium of Unexplained Facts, called “Oddities” and wondered if the story was true. At that time I reluctantly accepted that it must have been a false claim and Bessler was lying - because that was what I was taught!
A few years later, and after many attempts at drawing numerous sketches of perpetual motion machines, I happened to be in a second hand bookshop and quite by accident came across an original copy of “Oddities”. I bought it and devoured the details avidly and almost immediately I spotted the flaw in the maid’s evidence.
She claimed that the wheel was turned by means of a lever secreted within the supporting pillars of the wheel. This was connected to a turning handle fixed to the wall of Bessler’s bedroom. This lever was apparently designed to turn the wheel by applying force to the bearings on the ends of the axle. My first thought was that it wouldn’t be possible. The contact point was too small, the wheel was too big and heavy, and most unbelievable, for the endurance test, Bessler, his wife, his 14 year old daughter and the maidservant herself, were required to operate the wheel 24/7 for 54 days! These illuminating statements were responses to questions raised by investigators to her charge that Bessler was a fraud.
The bearings were always open to inspection; the wheel was routinely moved from one set of support pillars to a second set, to allow the many examiners to check for such just such tricks. There were other questions all designed to get to the truth of her accusations, but one she was unable to answer was the Landgrave of Hesse’s role in these events. He had stated that the wheel was genuine and he had personally inspected it, verified that it worked and fully understood it. He had issued a certificate saying that. He had only allowed Bessler to exhibit the machine subject to his approval. It’s worth noting that the Landgrave was respected for a number of experiments which he had funded to aid Denis Papin with his steam engine. He was known as a man interested in keeping up with the latest scientific thinking.
So with these considerations firmly fixed in my mind I proposed to try to find out how Bessler’s wheel worked. I was aware that I might also discover how he faked it, and that was acceptable. But I didn’t worry that it might take a long time to find out anything useful the latest, but I didn’t think it would take this long. I have, over many years, identified numerous clues and published many of them, but it’s only been within the last two years that I finally got to the truth and I now know how Bessler’s wheel worked.
So I hope to build a working model, or Proof of Principle in my 78th year. My only concern is that my engineering skills and equipment might not be up to the job. Consequently I have found some kind person to make a sim according to the design I’m working on. Hopefully we’ll know soon if I’m right, but I’m absolutely convinced that this design is the one Bessler used……BUT as I always say, even if it fails, I’m certain that my design is 99 per cent correct so I’ll publish the details and explain how I arrived at the solution. There will be no doubt in anyone’s mind once you see the real clues, that this design is correct.
Saturday, 28 January 2023
The Code to Success - Bessler’s Wheel.
Johann Bessler suggested both directly and by inference, that he had placed clues to the design of his machine in a number of places in his books as well as his unpublished work, Maschinen Tractate. Long ago, I became determined to find them and try to understand what they meant.
Consequently I have spent a lot of time over many years looking for and finding clues by Johann Bessler, which he deliberately inserted into the text and drawings in his published three books. In addition I searched and found additional clues in his unpublished work, a collection of drawings demonstrating various attempts at building Perpetual Motion machines, which I called Maschinen Tractate or MT.
Many of these clues are described in my website at http://www.theorffyreuscode.com/
More of my work in finding and deciphering more pieces of code can be seen at another of my web sites at http://www.orffyreus.net/ This web site explores the hidden coding system embedded within chapter 55 in his book, Apologia Poetica, or AP.
Another of my web site at http://www.orffyreus.org/ provides pictures of the remains of Johann Bessler’s windmill, from which he fell to his death in 1745. It shows the interior as well as some his drawings showing his designs for it. It was his final project and typically it was an advanced version of a windmill designed to use the power of the wind from any direction without having to alter its position, by utilising a vertical axle.
Finally here is link to my original web site which tells the story of Johann Bessler and his perpetual motion machine http://www.free-energy.co.uk/ Copies of all the books can be obtained from here as well as from the panel on the right of this blog. There are brief explanation of the contents of each book. You can also acquire a copy of my book about Johann Bessler. It contains details of every available letter or other document sent either to or from or about the inventor.
There are a huge number of clues and codes known to myself and deciphered to my satisfaction. I have almost completed a book with full descriptions of the clues and their meaning and they reveal exactly how Bessler configured his machine. I intend to begin building a model soon when the current alterations to our house are completed. After I have tried to build Bessler’s wheel according to my interpretation of his clues, I will publish my book, whether or not I’m successful with my build.
The book contains so much information that I’m confident that even if my own build should fail, I know it will put people on the right path to success.
Friday, 20 January 2023
The Toys Page - 138, 139, 140 and 141
This is a brief return to the Toys page. In past blogs I’ve speculated on the reason for the four numbers which are attached to the bottom of this page, suggesting that they referred to four pages removed, but I doubt that that is the reason, so here is another. Why are the numbers 138, 139, 140 and 141 written on the bottom of the page?
The number of Bible references in chapter 55 of his Apologia Poetica also totals 141. MT 47 contained the number 47 plus a mirrored image of the same number making 3 versions The only factors of 141 are 3 times 47. The number 47 brings to mind Eulclid's 47th proposition but which can exhibit the properties of the golden ratio with some additional extras. It describes the 345 right triangle with its accompanying squares. But apart from the golden ratio what has this to do with Bessler’s wheel?
Well, 138 + 139 + 140 + 141 = 558. Knowing of the ubiquity of Bessler’s use of the two number 5s, 55, and the inclusion of hidden pentagrams in several drawings, I suspect it was another kind of off-the-cuff allusion to his favourite numbers.
5+5+8=18, the basic number in the pentagram from which every other one is a multiple of it, that is, 18,36, 54,72, 90 and 108.
JEEB, (his initials), J 10th letter, two letters E, 5th letter. He added the J and one of the Es to his forename when he succeeded in building his first PM wheel.
JEEB using the Caesar shift becomes WRRO. R 18th letter. W 23rd letter which may only be there for the following reason, W is composed of two Roman numerals, V meaning 5.
He often, (dozens of times) hand wrote the letter W as shown below, as two Roman numerals linked together, and twice in the accompanying passage,
“A Gärtner is a breaker of fences
A Waggoner leaves ruts
Meanness is the root of evil
Bessler seems to have used any opportunity to point a veiled reference to these numbers. I should also point out that the 2Gs, refers to his enemy in chief Andreas Gärtner. The 2 Ws refers to another enemy, Christian Wagner, the two Bs refer to the third enemy, Johann Gottfried Borlach
I wish all of you a happy new year! This year, 2025, I believe we shall see the arrival of an actual working model of Johann Bessler’s pe...
I’m 79 today and I’ve been studying the legend of Bessler’s wheel for about 65 years! Well, about 35 years of serious research. Not quite t...
It's not that unlikely. In the 1870s, two inventors, Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell, both independently designed devices that c...
It has always seemed obvious to me, that if Johann Bessler was genuine he would have wanted to leave precise information in a publicly acce...